3 Steps To Get The Classic Long Stubble Beard Style

The Long Stubble Beard is the most talked about bearding style because of the convenience and style that it brings on the table. However, there is a right way to achieve this look and do it better.

Get The Classic Long Stubble Beard Style In 3 Steps

The long stubble is smart and a much better version of the stubble for the beard lovers. Here are the 3 things you must know about this beard Style.

1. Length more than 1 but less than 1.5 cms,
2. Strong beard oil
3. Good trimming game


14 Perfect Looks For The Most Popular Beard Style – Short Stubble Beard Style

Short Stubble Beard is a female magnet and also one of the beard styles that every man can flaunt irrespective of the scanty and patchy growth issues!

Short Stubble Beard is not only very cool and convenient but also a great companion for men with a professional lifestyle. This style will elevate your fashion quotient and take you to the list of hot men!

Here are the Top 14 Short Stubble Beard Style.

9 Stunning Looks For Short Stubble Beard
Short Stubble Beard Style - 9 Amazing Looks

How to achieve the Perfect Designer Stubble Beard?

Designer stubble beard is an edge over the regular stubble. This is because it is edgier and also sharper. It is characterized by neat and sharp edges and the main frame where you grow out the stubble has defined edges by clean shaving the areas surrounding it. This is the basics of designer stubble beard.

It is the new Sexy as this look is opted for by professionals as thicker beards do not go so well at workplaces and thus it is often associated to a mature and responsible male which directly attracts and charms several women!

The length should not exceed 0.5-1cms and there is no scope for a patchy growth. For this, what you need is an excellent beard trimmer with adjustments. This will help you trim your beard and keep the growth even all over the face area. Usually the stubble does extend over the neck as it gradually disappears with the help of a nice trim. All you need to do is keep decreasing the trim setting as you go lower on your neck and automatically the gradation effect will be achieved.

As for moustache and sideburns, there is no scope for either as it is a professional look. You need to keep moustache as well as the side burns as subtle as you possibly can. Ideally no moustache will go well with your workplace as well as the look. But if you love your moustache then opt for a basic one, don’t go to crazy as the highlight should be the stubble and not the moustache.

Men prefer to use razor for the area that has to be clean shaven but you may also use a trimmer based on your level of convenience with both tools. One neat tip is to use a clear shaving gel instead of foam so you can clearly see where your shaving tool is moving! Read our article about clear shaving gel for detail explanation!

Remember that this look is more about maintenance than it is about growth. Make sure the edges always remain sharp and the beard length remains unchanged with the help of your trimmer. Also, at this stage you should start nourishing your beard. It will also help the stubble look darker and smarter. If you plan on going to a party just use some beard butter or wax instead of beard oil. On application the beard will most definitely look thicker and you will be ready to rock the party!


4 Types Of Stubble Beard Styles For Men To Choose From!

The stubble is considered as a casual laid back look for men who prefer to not shave every day. However, stubble has actually become more than just that. It is a look! This is majorly because all the fashion houses have adopted the stubble as a style statement and women just basically swoon over men with a stubble.

It signifies various things and the length as well as style of stubble should be as per what you aim to depict and what your environment is. The types are distinguished basically by the length of your beard and also the area of coverage. Sharpness of trim and shave also influence the look. So let us break this down:

Here goes 4 Stubble Beard Styles

1) Designer stubble –

Let us begin with the latest trend in stubble, the designer stubble. This look has been designed for men who love beard but are also professionals. The designer stubble is well kept short beard that is regularly trimmed to maintain the length. The beard length should not be more than approximately 0.5-1cms. The length is to ensure that your employer or work environment is not compromised because of your look. Also, the edges are pretty clean and sharp. You cannot just grow out a designer stubble, you need to trim, maintain as well as ensure that the shape is not compromised. This look is most popular amongst women as it is a sign of maturity.

2) Short stubble –

This style is basically for men who are growing out a beard. It is also often the preference of men instead of the designer stubble as this is much less maintenance. However the short stubble can sometimes be tricky if you have scanty or patchy beard growth. The length of beard hair should be less than 0.5cms for this look. This beard is generally not very sharp. Ideally a sharp look is preferable because that makes even the scanty growth look denser and less patchy.

3) Medium stubble –

The medium stubble is the most common stubble style. It is very basic and is also considered as the first phase of a full beard growth. The important thing to remember here is to maintain hygiene and also nourish the beard well for a good and strong growth as well as to ensure that the growth remains even throughout. The length can be somewhere around 1cm. Despite having similar length the medium stubble is different from designer stubble. Make sure you read our article for the distinction. It is generally confused and the look is thus compromised!

Also, the medium stubble usually lacks sharpness and edge. This is because it is a rugged look. It goes well with certain moustaches as well. Read the detailed article for more information!

4) Heavy stubble –

The final major category of the stubble is the heavy stubble. This is basically overgrown stubble which is yet to gain the status of a beard. While the other stubbles (except the designer stubble) may be patchy but if you are going for a heavy stubble look, the area has to be completely covered up. Also you need to ensure that the length is say about 1.5cms. Beyond that it starts getting recognized as a short beard so you need good trimming tools to maintain this look. This look is good for casual wear and a casual appearance. It doesn’t bode as well at a work place. However it is a great look for the weekend party as you can let it grow through the week and enjoy the weekend with an almost bearded look, as well as trim it down on Monday morning to go back to your professional look!


Know The Difference – Medium Stubble & Designer Stubble

Medium stubble and designer stubbles are two styles of stubbles that are very popular in our culture these days. Both have a length of 0.5-1cms and both may or may not extend over the neck. So then what is the difference and why must you care?

You must care because the designer stubble is more like a professional and workplace look. If you confuse it with a medium beard and go for that look, you will end up looking unprofessional! Designer stubble is a type of medium stubble however there are certain differences that you must know in order to understand both styles and carry off the look like it is supposed to!

1) Designer stubble has clean boundaries. This means that you identify the area where you want the stubble as well as the shape and then clean shave the areas surrounding this. This not only places more emphasis on your stubble but also gives you a sharp look! Medium basic stubble on the other hand need not have sharp edges. It can be a natural looking casual beard however even in this case it is important that the area around your lower cheeks is well defined otherwise it will end up making you look very lazy and disinterested!

2) Designer stubble is suitable for work places and fancy dates or dinners. You can carry it off even for family functions or events and bring out the mature and professional charm. Basic medium stubble has more of a rugged charm. So it works great for casual dates as well as night out with your bros! This means that designer stubble goes well with formal or semi-formal attire whereas medium stubble is more like a casual affair and you can bring out your sneakers for this look!

3) Third distinction is that more mature women are attracted to men with a designer stubble whereas the cute ones are attracted to the rugged look as it has boyish charms. So base your look also on the woman you are trying to impress!

Both looks are great for men with confidence and that is the common element that brings together the looks.


13 Hottest Heavy Stubble Beard Styles for Men

This is the most casual beard of them all. You cannot call this a formal or office wear look. It is rugged, cool and also a bit tricky as there is a very marginal difference between heavy stubble and a short beard!

Heavy stubble grows up to a length of about 1.5-2cms beyond which it is recognized as a short beard and is no more a stubble! So you need a good trimming game by ensuring that you have a trimmer with adjustments for closer trims as per your convenience. Also, the area of coverage may be random if you are going for a casual rugged look. In that case you may as well let the stubble grow as per its natural course. If you are, however, on a date you must make sure it is edgier and has a cleaner look by shaving off surrounding areas clean.

This stubble is an important phase for men who wish to grow out a full beard. At this stage your hair growth must be even and for that purpose you need to keep nourishing your beard with the help of natural beard oils and regularly trim the patches that grow faster to match the overall growth. It forms the base for a good beard growth.

Also, this is the most convenient phase to deviate from full stubble into styles like soul patch and chin curtain or even anchor. This is because you have a good enough length to make the style highlight without looking awkward.

This stage is ideal to try different styles of moustaches. It complements the stubble very well irrespective of the style of moustache you opt for!

And now for the tip – Apply beard wax at this stage and you will look like you have thicker stubble. This is because wax gives consistency and weight to the beard and makes it look darker as well as thicker covering up patches, if any!


5 Things You Must Know About Medium Stubble Beard

Medium Stubble Beard is the most popular beard style of all the stubble beard. This is because it is similar to a designer stubble beard but with much less maintenance. Medium Stubble Beard is the most basic stubble of them all! What must you keep in mind for this look?

Here are the top 5 things that you must know about the medium stubble beard before you opt for this look.

1) Medium stubble beard is usually of length 0.5-1cms. It covers most of your beard area and also your neck as it disappears gradually.

2) The best feature of this look is that it is cool, casual and requires the least maintenance of them all! You can carry off this look to college, a date or even casual dinner with your bros!

3) This stubble is considered to be the base for growing out fuller beards and thus men who want fuller beards should start off by aiming for the perfect medium stubble. From here onwards you start off by regularly nourishing your beard and ensuring the growth is maintained well.

4) To achieve this look you must start off by growing out your stubble. as it grows out you need to use your close shave trimmer set to the lowest adjustment to get a closer shave in regions that grow out faster than the rest. As the beard starts growing out, it becomes even easier to manage and cover up the patchiness.

5) You need not have sharp edges for this one but if you are a professional then you ideally must. A beard wax will help you make it appear thicker and less patchy if these are you major issues for avoiding this look!

It is important to remember that this beard can very well be used as a base for several other styles like soul patch or anchor beard, chin curtain or even a French. Thus it is important to master this look. The whole knack is with the maintenance. The trick is to regularly trim the stubble till all hair reaches equal length and once it does you can then let it grow out in the shape you prefer, aim for or idolize!
