Get The Perfect Look – Goatee Beard With Moustache!

Well let us first begin with the basic difference between a soul patch and a goatee. A soul patch is the one wherein you have a patch of beard growing on your chin that is detached from your mouth entirely. In case of a goatee the growth is around your mouth as well. Thus goatee is a style with thicker growth requirement as compared to a soul patch as the area of coverage is more.

Goatee is a cool style for men that do not have a patchy growth around the mouth. It is better than a soul patch as well because it gives a more bearded look than what a soul patch does. Also the growth and maintenance is easy. You just need to take good care at stubble stage itself with regular beard oil and hygiene maintenance. Like a soul patch, the goatee cannot be styled right from its inception stage. So let’s say you need a circle beard, you will have to grow out like a basic beard around your mouth and then trim it to style. The area of beard coverage is more and thus you need a basic beard to work with and end up with a cool goatee style.

As for the moustache, if you are opting for a basic moustache you may just let it take its natural course of growth and later taper the ends with the help of a trimmer. If you are opting for a moustache style you need to start shaping your moustache as it grows out. Suppose you want a handlebar moustache, on a daily basis use some beard oil to taper the ends and then curl it upwards in the direction that you want your handlebar to grow. For a circle beard you will let the moustache grow out naturally in downward direction and then use a trimmer to give it a circular shape. You may use children’s sketch pens for tracing out the shape you want which makes it way easier and also the ink can be rubbed off easily with soapy water.

As for the maintenance of this style, you need regular trimming. Use an automatic trimmer and make sure it is an electric one with adjustments for the blade. Along with that you need to use good amount of bearding oil and make sure it’s as natural as possible for the best results. Do not use too much or you will end up with a greasy face that will clog your pores and prevent your beard growth.

This style is great for men of all ages but goatee is something that older men would carry more often and is thus a more mature look but you can always opt for cooler and younger goatee styles that suit your face.


5 Best Ways To Style Soul Patch Beard Like A Pro!

A Soul Patch Beard is a fashionable patch of beard on the chin, just below the lower lip that adds hint of fashion especially for men with smaller chin and scanty beard growth! It is often referred to as an extended goatee.

Here are the 5 Styles of Soul Patch Beard

1) You have the basic French beard patch which is nothing more than a small inverse triangle below your lower lip. This look goes well with moustache for older men and without for college students.

2) Next is the soul patch with the growing van dyke or growing anchor beard. This look comprises of a triangular or rectangular patch of hair below the lower lip right at the centre. It is surrounded by some beard hair that faintly resembles a van dyke or anchor beard. Although this look is suitable for when you are growing out a beard, it has become the style for the year with celebrities trimming their beards to get this look. It has a boyish charm to it.

3) The next most popular look is the stubble and soul patch look. In this look you need to grow out a nice basic designer stubble and your chin area will comprise of a centre piece soul patch. This look is often flaunted by celebrities and is very effortless. If you are growing out a beard or your growth is patchy around the chin to grow out a Van Dyke, this will do justice to your face!

Your soul patch should be small. It can be triangular for men with a pointier chin area. Other can opt for rectangular, square or a very rugged casual shape if you can carry that off.

4) Next look is the soul patch bearded look. This look is characterized by a fully grown out stubble, almost a beard especially for men with scanty beard growth and a nice soul patch. The best aspect of this look is that the soul patch need not be a clean cut. Also the region around the patch need not be clean shaven. Just a mild trim will do just fine.

This look is perfect for men with scanty beard growth or men growing out a beard but going through a rather patchy phase.

5) Finally, we have the have it all bearded look. This look is characterized by a beard surrounding a nice clean clearing with just a soul patch at the centre and a nice basic or handlebar moustache. This look requires trimming skills as the area between the soul patch and beard will have to be a good clean shave however it is totally worth it.


Soul Patch Beard – The Cool Demeanour To Carry Out This Season

Soul patch is the patch of hair that men flaunt just below the lower lip, on the chin. The patch may or may not cover the entire chin and there are various styles to carry off a soul patch.

It is the perfect look for men with a scanty beard. You can just grow out a soul patch and couple it with or without stubble and a moustache.  It can be of any shape and size. However you must ensure that you shape yours as per you face shape. For men with bigger chins, it is advisable to avoid a small soul patch like a goatee while men with a smaller chin can go for such looks.

How to get a Soul Patch Beard

It is easy to maintain. You may or may not trim it. If you let it grow out, it comes off as a nice Van Dyke. Usually men flaunt a stubble with a soul patch however if you are going for the French beard or goatee, you may want to steer clear off the stubble. Clean shave is the look for you as that is the only way to highlight the patch.

The best aspect is that you need not be a skilled trimmer for a soul patch. You can shape your patch as per your ease and skill. Also, it gives a nice groomed look without the high maintenance issue that comes along with any other bearded look! It is the look for the year 2016!
