There are different types of professional beard. Apart from the basic French styles, the popular styles are designer stubble, professional bearded look, hipster beard, van dyke etc.
Here are the top 3 Professional Beard Styles looks that even your boss will envy!
1. The designer stubble is acceptable in several organizations so for all the working men who wish to rock a beard, this is your safest bet.With the growing importance on men’s beard, several work places have become a bit more liberal with allowing their employees to flaunt some facial hair and designer stubble is pretty acceptable. Only thing to remember is that it should be neat and sharp.
2. The Van Dyke (short) is also acceptable in almost all work environments. However, you need to make sure it is well trimmed and maintained.
3. Finally, for men who work in offices where bosses are not a fan of beards, well you may opt for cool moustaches like the chevron, handlebar and walrus. If the rest of your face is clean shaven, this will not only impress your bosses but also make up for the lack of beard to some extent!