3 Professional Beard Styles For Your Workplace

There are different types of professional beard. Apart from the basic French styles, the popular styles are designer stubble, professional bearded look, hipster beard, van dyke etc.

Here are the top 3 Professional Beard Styles looks that even your boss will envy!

1. The designer stubble is acceptable in several organizations so for all the working men who wish to rock a beard, this is your safest bet.With the growing importance on men’s beard, several work places have become a bit more liberal with allowing their employees to flaunt some facial hair and designer stubble is pretty acceptable. Only thing to remember is that it should be neat and sharp.

2. The Van Dyke (short) is also acceptable in almost all work environments. However, you need to make sure it is well trimmed and maintained.

3. Finally, for men who work in offices where bosses are not a fan of beards, well you may opt for cool moustaches like the chevron, handlebar and walrus. If the rest of your face is clean shaven, this will not only impress your bosses but also make up for the lack of beard to some extent!

Chevron Moustache Style For Office Look
3 Professional Beard Styles For Your Office Look
Handlebar moustache & beard style
designer stubble beard style
Short Van Dyke beard style
Workplace Beard Styles For Charming Men
3 Classy Beard Styles For Workplace

A Quick Guide To Chin Curtain Beard Style – Beard Grooming Tips

A chin curtain is called so because it drapes the chin. This beard comprises of a very narrow beard growth starting above the jawline, just above the jawline, covering the jawline. This look is often combined with a soul patch and/ or a moustache.

The chin curtain is a look that can be pulled off only by the men with angular chin. This means men with diamond or heart shaped faces can pull this off so it’s basically a luxury. Not all men can carry it off. If men with rounder chins wish to pull this off, they need to have a goatee and also a designer stubble to give the face the sharp look!


Soul Patch Beard – The Cool Demeanour To Carry Out This Season

Soul patch is the patch of hair that men flaunt just below the lower lip, on the chin. The patch may or may not cover the entire chin and there are various styles to carry off a soul patch.

It is the perfect look for men with a scanty beard. You can just grow out a soul patch and couple it with or without stubble and a moustache.  It can be of any shape and size. However you must ensure that you shape yours as per you face shape. For men with bigger chins, it is advisable to avoid a small soul patch like a goatee while men with a smaller chin can go for such looks.

How to get a Soul Patch Beard

It is easy to maintain. You may or may not trim it. If you let it grow out, it comes off as a nice Van Dyke. Usually men flaunt a stubble with a soul patch however if you are going for the French beard or goatee, you may want to steer clear off the stubble. Clean shave is the look for you as that is the only way to highlight the patch.

The best aspect is that you need not be a skilled trimmer for a soul patch. You can shape your patch as per your ease and skill. Also, it gives a nice groomed look without the high maintenance issue that comes along with any other bearded look! It is the look for the year 2016!


How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Moustache – Beard Styling Guide

How To Style Chin Strap Beard
How To Style Chin Strap Beard - Beard Style Guide

Men with oval or round face often put in efforts to make their face look longer. Also men with a heavier chin attempt to make it look narrow. For this the perfect solution is the chin strip beard with a handlebar moustache. This look is very much in fashion and has always been.

How to get Chin Strap beard look?

From the centre of your chin, grow out a beard and keep the rest shaven. You may grow out a wider patch like a complete soul patch on your entire chin and then trim it to shape once it grows out but basically this look comprises of a narrow vertical beard strip from the centre of the chin to its bottom. Basically you need a chin strip beard.

Chin Strip beard with a moustache

For the moustache, you need a handlebar moustache. But don’t keep the ends too scanty and curved. A regular moustache curved up into a handlebar will suit well.The moustache will add more maturity and definition to the look.

This look is perfect for men with round faces or heavier chins like heart shape faces. It takes the heat off your chin and cheeks;also the narrowness of the strip makes your face look narrower.

How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Mustache – Beard Style Guide
How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Mustache – Beard Styling Guide
How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Mustache – Styling Guide
How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Mustache
What is a Chin Strip beard with moustache

10 Classy Professional Beard Styles – Rugged Man To Office Man

To sport the best professional beard styles,there is a simple order that should be followed to transform your beard from rugged to epitome of elegance!

The order is – Beard, Moustache, Sideburns, and Neck.

1) Beard – Use a trimmer with a higher setting if you want to keep the thicker beard or lower as per your choice. Take a comb in one hand with narrow teeth and trimmer in another with a clipper. Now trim upwards in the opposite direction of the grain and them comb it down immediately. Do the same thing in a side-to-side motion as well for any weird growing hair.

2) Moustache – Use the comb and trimming technique in the same manner as in the beard but with a smaller setting as you will require a closer trim for the moustache. Next, use scissors to slice off the rough edges of your moustache and then trim the part that meets your upper lip. Once you trim off the excess hair, use point cutting technique for a more natural looking moustache.

3) Sideburns – Start off by coming in towards your nose and trimming off without clippers or using scissors to take off the rough edged look. Once you comb it back down it will have a nice clean edge. Repeat the same by coming outwards towards your ears. Use a comb to lift the hair around your ears and a trimmer to trim it down. This will reduce the thickness of your sideburns which is very important.

4) Clear off the excess hair on the neck and behind the neck. Keep the hair on the neck above the Adam’s apple and use a nice close shave to give a sharp and precise edge to the beard. This will help you get one of the best professional beard styles and change your look completely.

Once you are done, use a razor or the trimmer without clippers to trim off any hair on or around the cheekbones and also to define the edges. Also if any lose hair between the sideburns and the ears. Clean around your neck and also the area between your moustache and nose by holding the trimmer in a manner that the razor is downwards to clear off the edge at the top of the moustache. This way you won’t mess with rest of your beard while trimming the moustache.

It is important to understand that beard is a Gentleman’s look. It can be scruffy if you are on a trek or cycling on mountains but if you are off to work, you better choose to follow best professional beard styles tips! It is a sign of maturity and respect. Get your beard right(and impress your boss!)
