All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard!

All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard Style.

Zappa beard is the beard style that has been inspired by the musician Frank Zappa. This style was his signature look and comprises of a thick moustache paired with a thick soul patch. The soul patch is in the shape of a thick rectangle right below your lower lip. The thick moustache is long and extends just below your lower lip.

All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard Style!

The Zappa Beard look is for men who enjoy a strong beard growth around the lips. For this look you will first have to start with the moustache because that is the real deal breaker here. This look can go with a bit narrow or lack of soul patch entirely, but not without the moustache. In fact the moustache is its signature element!

All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard Style

So you need to really grow out your moustache first. You can do this with the help of natural beard oil. Natural beard oil helps increase your hair growth even for the moustache. Also, it is important to wash your face regularly and keep the pores oil free especially if you have an oily face.

The grown out moustache should be properly trimmed to have the precisely linear edge at the top. Along with that it is important to remember that this moustache grows downwards i.e. in the natural direction of moustache growth. However as it moves closer to the lips, it starts to taper. It ends even below your bottom lip.

This style is a bit rugged and casual so the moustache should be bushy and not neatly trimmed. Especially around the upper lip, it is classic if more than half of your lip is covered by the moustache if not entirely. Also, this means you need to pay attention to the hygiene aspect of the moustache when you eat. It is important to keep it clean and hygienic all day.

Once you have mastered the moustache, you can then shift your concentration and attention on the goatee. The classic goatee for this style is a small rectangular box attached to your lower lip right at the center of your chin. However, this style has undergone suitable modification and alteration and you will surely find different styles of goatee. To maintain the integrity of this style, make sure your goatee is short be it in whatever shape, it should not cover your chin entirely.

All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard!

It’s very laid back and cool look. Thus it is obviously not suitable for work environment. It is more of an older man look as compared to a college going guy because it comprises of a giant rugged moustache. Make sure your sideburns are short or at the most medium in length as well as well trimmed. This is because your moustache is already bushy; we don’t need bushy side burns.

All You Need To Know About The Zappa Beard.

It is an old school look. It is great especially for dads. It is a total dad look. Because of the moustache I guess. This look is great for men who grow out a fantastic moustache but do not have a very strong beard game. Also for men who enjoy moustaches and not so much with the beard. It is suitable for older men in their late thirties or more. It will go well for men with longer face structure, say oval. It will help balance of the excess length with the help of the thick moustache.


A Complete Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks In 2020

The shorter long beard is basically a medium beard with the illusion of a long beard. These styles are great for a strong beard game with much less maintenance and mess. Also these styles are great for men that do not enjoy a strong beard growth. Here are the beard styles that are classified under this category.

Read our individual blogs about the same for an in depth idea regarding the styling and maintenance of these beard styles!

1. Ducktail Beard

Ducktail beard is the stylish yet convenient beard style that is perfect for men who enjoy their beards and yet are bound by time constraints. It is low maintenance and also a very simple style to master. This is one of the most popular beard styles and rightly so because it is a very young and smart look.

You Can Easily Achieve Ducktail Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Oil

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2. French Fork

The French fork is a more stylish version of the ducktail beard. It escalates the ducktail beard for a more mature yet playful look. The French fork is a stylish look with the added bonus of a unique style that will be much less common than the ducktail. It is easy to master and surely gives you an edge quite effortlessly.

You Can Easily Achieve French Fork Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Balm

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3. Imperial Beard

The imperial beard is one of the best beard styles for men with scanty hair growth. It is elegant and classy. However this style requires some amount of precision and expertise with regard to the styling and trimming aspect. Also the additional moustache extravagance may come off as too much effort but this look is totally worth it and also much easier to maintain than all extravagant beard styles. The imperial beard is also acceptable in many professional organizations.

You Can Easily Achieve Imperial Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shampoo

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4. Circle Beard

The circle beard is one of the most tricky beard styles there is because it requires absolute precision of shape and style. The shape of the beard has to be perfectly circular and this is the reason why most men avoid this style. There is a certain way to achieve this shape and you must check out our blog for the same to get a clearer picture. This style is mature and smart. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent times on account of its consistent appearances in several TV shows as well as movies.

You Can Easily Achieve Circle Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Grooming Kit

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5. Verdi Beard

The Verdi beard is the most aggressive beard of this lot. It comprises of a nice thick beard and a long handlebar moustache. Yet it is categorized here because this style is not as aggressive as Bandholz or Garibaldi. It is a much more subtle and classy style statement with masculinity at its highest without having to handle messy thicker beards like Bandholz. While this style is ideally not at all acceptable in professional environment, it is a great style statement for all other occasions. Growth is in its natural form and maintenance requires only basic trimming.


You Can Easily Achieve Verdi Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shavers And Trimers

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Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks
5 Stylish Beard Looks For Men

All You Need To Know About The Classic French Beard Style

The French beard styles are the most popular men’s beard styles. This is because it is easy to grow and maintain.

The most basic one is grow out a moustache connected to a curved beard under your chin with hair around the lower lip. No sideburns and no beard around the neck or jawline. It gives your face a soft shape. Several celebrities also opt for this look as it is easy to maintain and versatile. Your facial hair can be black, white or even salt and pepper. Irrespective of the color you can rock this look.

Another French beard style comprises of the sole patch. The sole patch is basically a small goatee-like patch of hair under your lower lip. It is often cleared out around from a full beard. Even with an otherwise clean shaven look or stubble, the sole patch is in itself very fashionable and elegant. You can pair it off with a nice moustache.

Amitab bachan French Beard Style

Photo: Getty Images: Gareth Cattermole, file photo

French beards are perfect for men who have a patchy or scanty beard growth and also men who are just learning to grow and maintain facial hair.

French Beard Styles 2016
The Classic French Beard Look
All About The French Beard

The Classic Van Dyke

Classic Van Dyke is a vintage European inspired look. It symbolizes elegance and class. This look is very hot and trending amongst celebrities. It is the style statement for Johnny Depp!

This look takes your circle beard a step further. It is advisable to grow out a circle beard and then style it into a van dyke for trimming comfort. It comprises of a goatee and a dissociated moustache. Unlike the circle beard, the goatee and moustache are not attached in this look. The goatee can be longer and slimmer as per your hair growth and convenience. Also, the rest of your face must be clean shaven. A stubble is not okay with this look. It messes with the shape and style.

When coming to the moustache, this look requires a clean and sharp moustache with narrow ends. The shape of the moustache has to be precise because this is a classic Van Dyke style and in olden European days, moustache was a symbol of intellect and class.

It is a versatile look that goes well for younger men and even older men. But this style suits middle-aged men the most, in my opinion. It has a mischievous and young charm to it that adds to the sexiness of the look.

Van Dyke Beard styles

A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Growing A Circle Beard:

A circle beard is not a shape that can be acquired naturally. Your facial hair will never grow in the shape of a circle beard. What you need to remember is that you need a good hair growth around your chin and also a nice moustache. Circle beard is characterized by a nice thick moustache! That is the charm of this look!

Step 1: Grow out a nice medium beard with good thickness and length. This can be achieved by ensuring that your face is oil free and clean as much as possible. Natural beard oil is also very handy for improving the growth. Also, you require good trimming skills because it is all about the maintenance.

Step 2: Start growing out your stubble into a beard. At first, it is advisable to let the beard grow out a bit before you start shaping and trimming.

Step 3: At a length of about 1mm, you can start with shaping the beard. You will first need to mark the circular region of action. It is advisable to take professional help for first few tries as this shape is very hard to master.

Step 4: Trim around the edges of the marking very neatly, efficiently and patiently.

Step 5: Clean up and give the final touches by trimming out excess beard completely; leaving behind just the circular beard joined to your moustache.

Heavy Full Circle Beard Style For Men
Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Trimming A Circle Beard:

Trimming a circle beard is very important aspect of the circle beard. This is because in this look, it is advisable to not allow stubble to grow in. Many looks do well with stubble however this is not one of those looks as it has a character of its own.

For trimming, you will need a good pair of scissors and an excellent trimmer with shave adjustments that can indicate the closeness of shave.

Step 1: With the help of your scissors, first get rid of any excess or crooked hair in your moustache that sticks out and cannot be settled in.

Step 2: Trim the excess beard hair off your face as it grows out and a clean shave is the most ideal situation for rest of the face.

Step 3: Set the trimmer to a milder setting and trim over the moustache and beard simultaneously to ensure that the length for both remains the same. This is a very important point as hair grows out randomly and it is very important to maintain a uniform length for the look!

Circle Beard With Connected Sideburns
Circle Beard With A Disconnected mustache

Trimming regularly will ensure that your look lasts well and also very long.

A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Extended Circle Beard
A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Maintaining A Circle Beard:

Maintaining the beard comprises of nourishment, hygiene and growth aspects of it. Some men love a full grown thick beard and this can be achieved with the help of essential beard oils especially in coconut flavor. Such natural oils give your hair a strong character, good texture and also improve growth!

Another important aspect to remember is that growth of hair is stunted if the pores on the face are blocked by oil and dirt. Thus, so one must regularly keep washing the face and keep it clean.

Combing and managing really helps improve growth and maintain a beard as it gets thicker. In this case the moustache is connected to the circle beard and thus as it is growing out before the beard, one must ensure that the moustache is shaped downwards from both ends accordingly. Regular combing also helps with maintenance.


A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain The Van Dyke Beard

Van Dyke Beard is a classic and vintage look that belongs to ancient Europe and thus it is of utmost importance to style this look with efficiency, elegance and precision. This look is very attractive and also these steps will help you master the style entirely.

Growing The Van Dyke Beard

Van Dykes is a look for thicker beard although men with patchy growth can also carry off this look. But there must be a good basic moustache and a goatee to work with. For this you need to nourish your beard with the help of natural oils and also keep your face clean at all times. Oiliness prevents beard growth. Also, it is advisable to regularly trim the beard to maintain shape and keep the rest of your face clean shaven.

For this look, it is not advisable to grow the beard in a Van Dyke. Rather grow out a normal beard up to perhaps 3mm length. Then trim it in to a Van Dyke by trimming around the edges of your preferred shape. The rest of your face should be clean shaven.

However, in most cases you might not be able to grow out such a thick beard as you may have a job or any other kind of restriction. In that case what you can do is grow out up to say 1mm and then shape it into a circle beard. Then you let the circle beard grow in and keep the rest of your face clean shaven. Once you achieve the length of 2.5-3mm, you can then start shaping your circle beard into a Van Dyke.

This style is suitable for men with a patchy or scanty growth as well because there is not set size, length or thickness of the goatee. Also, the moustache can be narrow to some extent. So it is ideal for men with a patchy or scanty growth too. Thus, growing out a beard does not mean an even and thick layer of 2-3mm but just a general patch cover around the chin area and a decent moustache.

Trimming The Van Dyke Beard

Trimming the Van Dyke can be done in stages. You can either start from a full beard or a circle beard. Anchor beards, Hollywoodian and several such beard styles can also be transformed into a Van Dyke. This is because there is not set length or thickness that should be followed. It just comprises of a narrow goatee along the chin, vertically and a moustache.

The basic things to keep in mind are that the rest of your face should be clean shaven for the full force attack of the Van Dyke. Also, the area on your neck and lower chin should specifically be shaven off as this may eventually spoil the shape of the goatee. The moustache should be narrow towards both ends and may or may not be long. It can be curled up or set down based on the length and the look that you opt for.

Here are the basic steps:

1) Start off with a nice clean face. Make sure your wash your face and beard clean with shampoo and dry it off before you begin

2) Brush your hair upwards first to get rid of any knots. Then use a comb to comb the beard down properly and understand the growth of your beard.

3) Identify the desired shape of your Van dyke and trace along an imaginary line that will mark the borders. It is always a better option to first form a circle beard and then trim it further. Even a roughly circular beard will do.

4) Consider both ends of your lower lip and trim out a small triangular part. Using that as the base, detach your moustache and your goatee. Some men prefer to keep it attached and just get rid of the triangular patch. That works fine too. It is a variation in the Van Dyke and looks equally cool.

5) Use scissors to snip off any loose or rogue hair popping out of your moustache or beard.

6) Shape the moustache as per your growth. You can keep it thick if your goatee is also a bit thick and if your goatee is scanty, it is best to keep the moustache also narrow.

Maintenance Of Van Dyke Beard

This look is less demanding than a circle beard because there is no set shape, size or length. It can be molded as per your convenience. Thus, when we talk about the maintenance aspect it comprises of the following:

1) Trimming the goatee and moustache regularly to ensure that the length remains consistent. It is very important that the moustache and goatee match. If either is thicker than the other, it goes off balance.

2) Apart from the goatee and the moustache, the face should be clean shaven. This is very important considering that clean shave will ensure your Van Dyke is in the spot light.

3) The neck should by clean shaven. The goatee can be long and cross the jawline but the neck should be clean shaven.

4) It is important to ensure that the goatee and moustache are combed at regular intervals during the day or you might end up with rogue hair poking out and spoiling the style of the Van Dyke.

5) Beard oil and beard wax can be used to shape up the moustache to make sure both ends are narrow and even the goatee is tapered downwards. Some men prefer a more rectangular goatee but Van Dyke is essentially a tapering goatee. If you like the vintage look, it should be narrow at the bottom.

Van Dyke is stylish and also easy to master. It brings out the mature but mischievous sex appeal which women love and carries a classic and royal air around it.


An Elegant Step Ahead – Extended Goatee Beard

The signature Ryan Gosling style, Extended Goatee Beard is essentially the look that helps him raise the room temperature every time he enters! This style is elegant and classy. The best part about this style is that it favors the scanty and patchy growth.

Extended Goatee Beard style is essentially not acceptable at work place but if you can get away with certain exceptions then this look will work for you. So it is great even for men with an aggressive growth who cannot really grow out the beard aggressively because of work restrictions!

Thanks to Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Leonardo Di Caprio, Pierce Brosnan and several such charming celebrities, this look has gained a celebrity status. Also, it is surprisingly convenient to style as well as maintain this look.

Let’s understand what Extended Goatee Beard look is all about. You need to start off with a goatee obviously as the name suggests. This goatee should extend along your jawline towards your ears and that gives you the extended goatee. Usually as it moves towards the ears, it narrows down. Also, this beard should not exactly reach your earlobes. Using gradation technique or sharp edges, you need to trim this off before it reaches your lobes.

This look is great for men who do not enjoy a strong growth. Also, it goes well for men with rounder faces who wish to make their jawline look more angular or defined. A moustache adds spunk to the look and thus is a part of the style. The Horseshoe moustache goes well with this look. However this is a tricky moustache as it is required to be slim and perfect. Use scissors along with the trimmer and even razor if that bodes you well. Start by making a thick horseshoe with well-defined borders so you can establish the shape. Then you can start making it narrow parallel to the borders established.  You can always opt for a regular beard if this seems tricky for you.

As for the goatee, now this is where it differs from the regular goatee. Here in the stubble stage you will use your trimmer to outline the shape you want. Around the lower lip you will trim out the excess hair to create a goatee by creating an inverse beard triangle at from the center of your lower lip. This triangle will then be attached to a thicker of beard along the jawline, resembling a chin curtain. This patch will be thicker at the base of your chin and as it moves towards your earlobes, it will get slimmer till eventually it disappears. The gradation can be achieved with the help of adjustable trimmers. The trim should be closer as you move upwards. You can also opt for the sharp clean look. In this case the length of beard will be consistent and you will clean shave the excess beyond the shape. Men often attach the beard to the lobes too but that is a version of this style. The original look does not reach the lobes or the side burns.

The goatee region must not be too long as it is a goatee. The point of attraction is the jawline traced by the extended goatee and not your goatee. You can make your jawline appear strong by clean shaving instead of gradation technique. This works great for men with wide or round chins. In fact, goatee is a great style for men with very wide chins. It helps cover up the chin patch to a certain extent.

As for the maintenance of this look goes, you may have to use the trimmer on alternate days based on your hair growth. It is important to apply beard oil regularly. You don’t need a beard wax as there is no shaping involved but you can use the beard oil or mousse to ensure there is no weird beard hair sticking out of the beard. Always carry around a comb, especially for your moustache.

This is a smart young look yet it carries a sexy charm. Thus this look is suitable for all ages and also a very versatile look. Many offices accept this style and also it is great for any casual event. however it must be noted that for casual looks you can opt for the gradation style, otherwise your go-to is clean shaven style with the extended goatee.

You should not opt for Extended Goatee Beard look if:

  • Your work place is very professional and disciplined
  • Your growth around the chin area is scanty
  • You are not good with defining the jawline
  • You do not use the trimmer regularly
  • Your jawline is very round

7 Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard Look

Extended Goatee Beard Style For Men
Extended Goatee Beard Style For Men In 2019.

7 Reasons Why you need Extended Goatee Beard Look

1. Extended goatee Beard Style is great if you have a patchy growth

Extended Goatee Beard Style For Men.
Extended Goatee Beard Style For Men!

2. It is great for men with scanty facial hair growth

3. It is a good enough style even for offices, if you can take a bit of liberty at work. But in that case you should opt for the clean shave style and not gradation. Also, you neck should be clean shaven.

7 Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard7 Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard
7 Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard Look

4. Extended goatee is great style for men who have a strong growth around the chin and moustache.

5. It is a great style for moustache lovers

7 Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard Look!
Reasons Why You Need Extended Goatee Beard Look

6. If you are an amateur or do not have time for regular stylish trimmings and shaping, this style is ideal for you.

7. It is versatile and works well for all age groups

All About The Extended Goatee Beard
7 Reasons You Need Extended Goatee Beard

5 Things You Must Know About Medium Stubble Beard

Medium Stubble Beard is the most popular beard style of all the stubble beard. This is because it is similar to a designer stubble beard but with much less maintenance. Medium Stubble Beard is the most basic stubble of them all! What must you keep in mind for this look?

Here are the top 5 things that you must know about the medium stubble beard before you opt for this look.

1) Medium stubble beard is usually of length 0.5-1cms. It covers most of your beard area and also your neck as it disappears gradually.

2) The best feature of this look is that it is cool, casual and requires the least maintenance of them all! You can carry off this look to college, a date or even casual dinner with your bros!

3) This stubble is considered to be the base for growing out fuller beards and thus men who want fuller beards should start off by aiming for the perfect medium stubble. From here onwards you start off by regularly nourishing your beard and ensuring the growth is maintained well.

4) To achieve this look you must start off by growing out your stubble. as it grows out you need to use your close shave trimmer set to the lowest adjustment to get a closer shave in regions that grow out faster than the rest. As the beard starts growing out, it becomes even easier to manage and cover up the patchiness.

5) You need not have sharp edges for this one but if you are a professional then you ideally must. A beard wax will help you make it appear thicker and less patchy if these are you major issues for avoiding this look!

It is important to remember that this beard can very well be used as a base for several other styles like soul patch or anchor beard, chin curtain or even a French. Thus it is important to master this look. The whole knack is with the maintenance. The trick is to regularly trim the stubble till all hair reaches equal length and once it does you can then let it grow out in the shape you prefer, aim for or idolize!


5 Best Ways To Style Soul Patch Beard Like A Pro!

A Soul Patch Beard is a fashionable patch of beard on the chin, just below the lower lip that adds hint of fashion especially for men with smaller chin and scanty beard growth! It is often referred to as an extended goatee.

Here are the 5 Styles of Soul Patch Beard

1) You have the basic French beard patch which is nothing more than a small inverse triangle below your lower lip. This look goes well with moustache for older men and without for college students.

2) Next is the soul patch with the growing van dyke or growing anchor beard. This look comprises of a triangular or rectangular patch of hair below the lower lip right at the centre. It is surrounded by some beard hair that faintly resembles a van dyke or anchor beard. Although this look is suitable for when you are growing out a beard, it has become the style for the year with celebrities trimming their beards to get this look. It has a boyish charm to it.

3) The next most popular look is the stubble and soul patch look. In this look you need to grow out a nice basic designer stubble and your chin area will comprise of a centre piece soul patch. This look is often flaunted by celebrities and is very effortless. If you are growing out a beard or your growth is patchy around the chin to grow out a Van Dyke, this will do justice to your face!

Your soul patch should be small. It can be triangular for men with a pointier chin area. Other can opt for rectangular, square or a very rugged casual shape if you can carry that off.

4) Next look is the soul patch bearded look. This look is characterized by a fully grown out stubble, almost a beard especially for men with scanty beard growth and a nice soul patch. The best aspect of this look is that the soul patch need not be a clean cut. Also the region around the patch need not be clean shaven. Just a mild trim will do just fine.

This look is perfect for men with scanty beard growth or men growing out a beard but going through a rather patchy phase.

5) Finally, we have the have it all bearded look. This look is characterized by a beard surrounding a nice clean clearing with just a soul patch at the centre and a nice basic or handlebar moustache. This look requires trimming skills as the area between the soul patch and beard will have to be a good clean shave however it is totally worth it.
