16 Perfect Short Beard Styles for Men to try in 2020

Shorter beards demand a sharper and cleaner look. The maintenance of Short Beard Styles can get trickier than the aggressive ones as well because the definition and precision defines the style. Check out these 16 short beards to ensure your style is always on point!

Here are 16 Perfect Short Beard styles

This 16 Perfect Short Beard styles to ensure your Beard Styles is short in size only and not in character.


Short Stubble – When can you carry this off?

A short stubble is a stubble with length not more than 0.5cms. So what is the purpose of this beard? Originally this beard was just grown out because of lack of interest in shaving regularly. However it has now become a separate look. Men who wish to grow out a full beard carry off this look to get rid of any patchy growth. Also it works for offices. However for workplace a designer stubble is most preferable.

You need to start off with keeping your face clean all day long. Oiliness or dryness will stunt the growth. Along with that, this beard comes out in patches as it is truly stage 1, so it is very important to nourish using a good beard oil and a beard comb to gently even out the oil application as well as keep the beard on growth on point!

Older men often make this their signature look as it is easy maintenance and suits the salt and pepper hair. However, in case off others who consider the short stubble as just a phase to grow out thicker stubble or a fuller beard, can carry off this look with casuals preferably. This is a more informal look and if you are going to carry this to work then make sure that you give it sharp edges which means you shave off excess hair. This will put emphasis on the stubble even if it’s short and make it appear fuller.

This look is hard to carry as the initial growth is often awkward and you need to wait for the whole stubble to grow out. A neat trick is to grow out a moustache. That shifts attention on the moustache rather than the beard and also suits the look.


Anchor Beard – The Complicated Style Made Easy!

Anchor beard is a combination of several facial hair styles and techniques. It comprises of facial hair in the shape of a nautical anchor; the one that holds the ship stable at sea. This is achieved by growing out a moustache. It is a style that compulsorily requires the perfect pencil moustache to complete the anchor shape. This makes it one of the dreaded styles that most men don’t even try. Well, it is most definitely not a style that you should opt for if you have absolutely no experience with trimming and styling your facial hair, but if you have given it a shot several times and tried on some styles like a goatee or a chin strip or a circle beard, then you can most definitely master this skill.

This is a style that suits men with square or even oval face structures. If you have a round or a wide chin, this style is for you. It makes your chin look sharp and angular as well as covers up much of the width making your chin look narrow and pointy. Thus, although men with other face structures can try this look, men with narrow chins or jawlines should avoid this style. It is not worth the effort that the style demands!

Now let us start with the moustache. You will require a basic pencil moustache to start with. You can make the look more attractive with a handlebar moustache but that makes the task even more difficult. So you may start with a basic pencil moustache or go for a handlebar based on your preference. Pencil moustache is named so because it is a thin pencil like line over your upper lip separating at the center to move into opposite direction. The most important trick to remember here is that this moustache is closer to the nose than it is to the lips. This means that there is a bit more gap between the moustache and the upper lip than there is between the moustache and the nose. If you wish to go for the handlebar moustache, you need to start off by growing out a slim moustache again. Handlebars need not necessarily be thin but the anchor beard suits well for thin moustaches! So you start off by curling both ends upwards by oiling it in an upward curled direction. Trim off the excess hair that grows around both corners of your lips. The natural growth direction is downwards so once you start curling upwards, the excess hair will have to be trimmed off. The original look comprises of a pencil moustache.

Now let’s get to the beard. You should start off with your sideburns. Your sideburns should be medium to short length for this look. Next, you should have a chin strap and goatee or a circular beard structure to begin with. Basically your jawline should be bearded. Also, the chin area should have a nice length of say 2mm at least.

Now take your trimmer at the center of your lower lip and follow the steps given below:

1) Locate the center of your beard right below the center of your lower lip.

2) Take your trimmer just a tad bit to the right. Make sure just a tad because this part should be slim. Now in a smooth motion, practice drawing out a wave in air right above the actual beard. Make smooth movements again and again till you feel confident and then trim out in the same wave.

3) Repeat the same on the left

Now you must remember that the center of your anchor that joins your lower lip to your chin should be the slimmest portion that widens as it moves upwards and widens even more as it moves downwards to meet the chin.

4) Once you decide the length of the beard that should cover your jawline/chin line, clean shave the rest of your face.

5) Clean shave your neck region as well.

Some men prefer to let a stubble remain however if you have worked so hard for the look, just as well enjoy the original vintage style.

A cool tip for beginners is to try a fatter anchor beard. That way if you mess up you still have the chance of slimming it down. The waves that join the lower lip with the chin are the hardest. You can trace out the beard on a thick cardboard and then place it over your beard. Use your trimmer to trim off around the cardboard cutout. You can also place the cardboard on your face and use clear shaving gel to trace out the part of beard that needs to be shaved off. Then just use a razor or trimmer along the edges of the gel. You will not get the perfect shape but it will be easier to work with this by just trimming it into a sharper edged beard than starting off blindly. Finishing touches will be the only aspect to master. 


Are Short Beards The Style For You? A Quick Beard Style Guide!

Short beard styles are trending because they do not require a strong beard hair growth, excessive maintenance, expert styling techniques and also they do not interfere with your personal life. You may very well enjoy your bearded look without having to compromise much and almost effortlessly!

Van dyke, Imperial, Stubbles (Short, medium and thick), goatee, extended goatee etc. are just some of the options in case of shorter beard styles and you can opt for any style you like. There are also more complex styles like circle beard and anchor beard that require much more skill and are a bit more high maintenance than the rest. However you need to first identify whether short beards are the style for you.


Short beards essentially comprise of a beard style that does not have a strong coverage all over your face and also the length of the beard hair is considerably short. This style is great for men who have a professional lifestyle and also the ones that do not enjoy a strong beard hair growth. Shorter styles need to be more precise and cut throat.

If you have a diamond or an oval face structure, you can blindly opt for the short beard styles because these styles will only accentuate your best features however if you have a round face especially, it is harder for you. In this case you should go for certain precise set of short beards like van dyke, anchor and extended goatee. Also a handlebar moustache is a great look with short beard style for men with round face frame.


Moustaches are a great part of short beards. They bring out the style in the beard and also give you the edge to help you make up for the length of the beard. Handlebar, el bandito, walrus etc. are all great moustache style for men who opt for shorter beards. It is very important for you to maintain the style and length of your beard with the help of quality beard oil and an excellent trimmer with adjustable blades.

Make sure you check out our blogs regarding short beard styles and how to achieve these looks!


3 Step Guide To Achieve The Anchor Beard

Anchor beard is a cool style yet a bit difficult to achieve. This 5 step guide will ensure you enjoy the beard perfectly well in style and with precision.

3 Step Guide For The Anchor Beard

Anchor beard is a cool and neat style and here is a 3 step guide to achieve this look!


8 Hot Goatee Styles To Make The Women Go Crazy!

When you talk about goatee, there are several versions, shapes and sizes for the same. Here are the top 8 looks that will give you a clear idea of what’s trending and what style you must opt for.

8 Hot Goatee Styles

The goatee has been hot in fashion since times immemorial and it is back with the cool 8 goatee styles.

12 Styles To Master The Tricky Circle Beard Like A Pro!

Circle beard is a very neat beard style more so for the mature men than youngsters but it suits both equally well. However it is tricky and here is how you can master this style.

12 Styles To Master The Tricky Circle Beard.

You need to grow out a regular long stubble and equivalent moustache first, then you must use an adjustable trimmer to ensure length is consistent, use a marker for the desired shape, use clear shaving gel to line your marker boundaries, shave out the excess and finally you have your desired beard.


15 Amazing Medium Stubble Beard Styles

Undoubtedly the most attractive stubble beard style is the medium stubble and here are 15 hacks to be kept in mind to ensure that you do it right! This is the most charming and sexy beard look for men and all of you need to truly learn how this style works!

15 Amazing Medium Stubble Beard Style


15 Professional Beard Styles For The Elegant Man!

Short beards are sexy as well as elegant. Yes it may get a bit tricky to achieve the perfect circle or anchor beard but nonetheless both styles are worth the effort. Imperial beard, Van Dyke and Goatee are also the three styles that will accentuate your sexiness without hampering your office life!

Here you go with 15 Professional Beard Styles For The Elegant Man!


In 3 Quick Steps Achieve The Cool French Fork Beard Style

French fork beard is a cool new style and a notch above your regular beard without much effort. All you need to do is grow out a regular beard, use a comb and beard oil and finally slit open the bottom center like a fork.

Achieve this cool style in 3 quick steps – French Fork beard

The French fork is a cool new version of your regular beard and here you will learn how to get this look in three quick steps.
