The Sideburn Beard Style by Burnsides

Sideburns beards are the look this season, be it Ludacris, Benedict Cumberbatch or Hugh Jackman. This is a style statement that requires good amount of skill to master and also proper maintenance. However, this feature has actually been brought to attention by a man called Burnsides. He had the humongous and aggressive sideburn style that also inspired the name “sideburns” in the first place. This look was the talk of the town and soon became associated to his reputation. Thus, popularizing it all the more! It became a symbol of elite and elegance. It comprises of a giant bushy sideburns style that is attached to the equally aggressive and bushy moustache.

The purpose of this article is not to promote the sideburns beard look, but to discourage it! This is one piece of art that gave us the term ‘sideburns’ and also brought this feature of men on the map. However as far as bringing it back into fashion is concerned, it better stay out. The aggressiveness of this look will just end up making you look like an unprofessional comedic character from the past that has time travelled to the present.

It is not restricted to just this exact look. Styles inspired by this look should also go that comprise of thick and bushy sideburns. Your style must not comprise of sideburns that get fatter as they reach the nasal area. Your sideburns should not be close to your moustache. It should not be monstrous and untamed. Basically even a variance in this look must be avoided. Even if you opt for sideburns beards of funky styles, they must comprise of something that is not just thick chunks.


3 Basic Sideburn Beard Styles You Must Learn To Master!

Sideburns are the new trend setters this season. Fortunately they have come back in fashion! It is in fact fortunate because side burns can help you alter your look. Also, it can really make you look pretty badass and manly.

There are three basic styles of sideburns that you must learn to master as your first step. Once these styles are mastered, you can then try out funkier styles. But these three will form the basis for your everyday casual look as per your preference. These three styles have been categorized based on the length of the sideburns. You have the short length, medium length and long sideburns.

Short Sideburn Beard Styles

This style was all the rage last season and still continues to remain in trend. However it has been taken over to some extent by funkier styles and longer sideburns. As per this style, the length of your sideburns should be up to your mid-ear region, roughly. Even if you have bigger or smaller ears, the placement of ears is such that sideburns can easily be compared to them for deciding the length.

This style is suitable for men who have more sleek hairstyles or scanty hair. Also men with smaller face frame can go for this look. Non-existent sideburns are also a part of this however that should be avoided as sideburns are truly back in style. Also, they complement your beard. Your face looks well-structured and framed with sideburns.

Medium length sideburn beard style

Medium sideburn is the one which ends exactly at the point where you plug in your earphones i.e. middle of the ears. This length is a very safe one. You cannot go too wrong with a medium length sideburn. When in doubt, always opt for this length. It may not be the best look for you but it will most definitely not spoil your appearance.


Photo – Jaguar PS /

This style is suitable for men with a medium to thick hair growth. If you love stubbles, this length is good for you.

Long sideburns beard styles

This is the raunchy, loud and strong style statement. It is a controversial and debatable style as most people feel it is out of fashion and downright aggressive to have long sideburns. However, it is back in style and very much capable to positively influence your appearance. But if you have a professional and disciplined work environment, this style is not for you. Just stop reading and skip to the hacks after this!

Okay so this style basically means your sideburns extend beyond the central region of your ears. This is a bit risky style as you can really go wrong with this look. Make sure the sideburns are not bushy at all. It goes well for men with thick hair and strong beard game! If you have a small or stout chin, you can go for this look to establish balance in that area.


6 Style Tips To Perfect The Sideburn Beard | Beard Style Hacks

1) Sideburn Beard Trimming Technique

For trimming, it is important to remember that first you must control the bushiness and tame the sideburns with the help of an adjustable beard trimmer. You can alternatively use scissors as well with a comb. Once the bushiness is under control, you must decide the length of the sideburns. Once that is fixed, you may trim off or shave off the extra length. If you plan on shaving it off, use a clear gel so you can clearly see where your blade is moving. Even if you wish to keep it long, you must trim it a bit for finesse. Then you must move to the width again using a trimmer or clear shaving gel. A trimmer is always a better choice for this.

2) Growing Sideburns

Regular trimming will help you grow out the sideburns in a disciplined order. Also, beard oil can be used to improve the growth of sideburns. Don’t get it out too thick. Bushy sideburns make your ears look bigger and also are a turn off.

3) Bushiness

The sideburns should be as bushy as your beard, if not more. It should never be scantier as compared to your beard. That throws your face off balance.

4) Appearance

If you wish to make you face appear longer, grow your sideburns longer and vice versa. If you have long chins, make sure your sideburns are long and are shorter for short and stout chin.

5) Symmetry

Once you decide the length of one sideburn, trace that to the other side for guidance. Ears may be lopsided a bit or differently shaped as our faces are not exactly symmetric. You can even use a scale and keep it on your nose to mark the point. Assume there is an imaginary line across your face for guidance. You can even use a strong instead of a scale.

6) Narrowness

2 cms is ideally the maximum width that you must maintain. That is because broad sideburns are good only for costume parties! However, if you are trying out some cool new style, you should go for it but make sure the style is not bushy.

Sideburns are trendy and in fashion. If you want to experiment, now is the time to do so!


The Perfect Hairstyles For Men To Make Up For A Patchy Beard

Patchy beard growth is a very common sight whether your beard growth is just always patchy or you are growing out a new beard from a clean shaven look. The pompadour, side design, Mohawk and man bun are perfect as they grab away all the attention and give you’re the sexy yet charming look!

How To Make Up For A Patchy Beard With The Perfect Hairstyles?

Wish to compensate the awkward growing out or the patchy beard? Here are the perfect hairstyles as your beard hacks!


4 Unbelievable Tricks To Cover Up The Patchy Beard!

Beard is pretty much the soul of your look even if you chose to just carry off a short stubble. But most men face the patchy beard situation and that can potentially affect your whole look. These are 5 tricks that can help you cover up the patches in the best way possible. Let us also keep in mind that these tricks can work up to a reasonable extent only!

1) Growing out thicker beard can really help you out in this case. If you have the kind of beard that grows out well in some regions but not so much in some others what you can do is grow out a thick beard. It will be awkward as it is growing out with the patches but once its all grown what you can do is trim it even and use mousse or beard wax with your fingers to literally cover up the patchiness. This works well if you have an otherwise strong growth.

2) Using a clear beard gel is really helpful. Gel has thick consistency but is also lightweight at the same time. So this is a product that you can conveniently apply on your beard. It is clear but it is surely bit damp so you should apply it in some limitation. The gel makes your beard appear darker and thicker. Also it can be used to style you beard in a way that patches can be covered.

Tricks To Cover Up The Patchy Beard

Picture Credits

3) Goatee and soul patch styles are a great way to handle the patchy situation. So if you have a very scanty and patchy growth you can just your best growth patches to style a look that goes well with your beard growth. You goatee can be short or long and the same applies for the sole patch thus this is kind of a versatile look for you.

4) Trimming the beard really helps. The concept is that your beard is usually narrow and tapering which means that the ends are thin. If you trim your beard and shorten the length a bit, it will expose the thicker mid region of beard hair and will basically make your beard appear really thicker.


5 Ways To Fix Your Patchy Beard – Experts Guide

There are basic quick steps to fix a patchy beard which can easily be followed as a drill and requires a quality trimmer which can be adjusted, a razor maybe. Now, most men cannot grow out a full beast beard and the beard you grow out is usually patchy. This is because a patch of your hair grows slower than the rest or a patch just doesn’t grow out enough beard hair. In this case, you can fix the patchiness by creating the illusion of an even growth till the beard grows out in the slacker areas!

Also, some areas have thicker hair growth as compared to the rest and that further highlights the patchiness or scantiness. Even if you are growing out a full beard, this trick will help you get through the initial patchy days and in case of most men, it is not possible to grow out a full beard on account of work obligations, you guys can easily use this as your regular look.

Here are the ways to fix a patchy beard?

1) Start off with a clean and dry face.

2) Adjust your trimmer to say about 5.5 mm for a grown out stubble length.

3) Trim your beard properly. You may adjust the trimmer to a 5.5 or even 6 for areas that have thicker growth just to make it blend into the rest of the face. But don’t go too crazy or you will end up trimming out the whole beard.

4) Use a razor to give better edges and finesse to the beard especially around the cheekbones. Finesse gives the appearance of a full grown beard as it sets the distinction between clean shaven region and bearded region. This trick is really neat and comes handy. You will notice the difference in your appearance immediately. The gradation beard is not for you if the growth is scanty.

5) Trim out the excess around your neck as well. Anyway the neck hair appears darker if you have beard growth around the jawline and the neck region because when you keep your chin straight ahead, the beard kind of overlaps and appears dark and thick. You should trim around your neck well if you have a double chin or broader jawline. Otherwise a basic trim is good enough; there is no shade in a bit of highlight if it looks good.

Once you are finished, you will have a nice even out beard that appears less patchy and with potential to become a thick full beard!


A Neat Trick To Fill In Your Patchy or Scanty Beard!

Beards have become an important element of our society. Men are often judged based on their beards and it has become important to flaunt off a great style of beard for the spotlight. If you are one of the fashion forward men and love to always be a part of the trend then you too love beard styles. However, the growth of your beard is natural phenomenon and cannot be altered to a very large extent. Sure you can use beard oil and keep your face oil free as well as hygienic but still you may not enjoy a strong growth or at least as much as you desire.

Let’s remember that this is a trick, a life hack. It is not magic. So you need to be reasonable about what you expect out of it. If you expect wonders and your absolutely scanty growth to appear like a full thick beard then you have it wrong.

Just follow the 5 steps given below if you are up for a reasonable and yet recognisable difference:

1) Wash your beard well as you take you every morning bath. You may even use your beard shampoo or a basic hair shampoo but a beard shampoo is always a more preferable option! Make sure your face and beard is absolutely clean.

2) Brush you beard upwards and comb it downwards alternatively till it is completely dry. Once it is dry locate the area that has scanty growth.

3) Now what you need to do is use an eyebrow pencil. Women use this trick on a regular basis and I bet you haven’t even been able to spot most of the fake eyebrows yet. So this is a cool trick and it will not make you any less of a man to just bring in an eyebrow pencil. Just make sure the pencil is in the same shade as your beard. It has to be exactly the same.

4) Use that to fill in small patches. You need quick strokes and also small strokes i.e. length of your actual beard hair. Once you fill in, use your thumb to lightly rub over to make sure it merges in with the beard. Now because beards or moustaches are fluffy, you cannot use this trick to fill in giant patches. For that you can try this – use a comb to fill in the patch with the help of the surrounding beard hair. Use a beard gel, mousse or wax or even oil to keep it in place. Now use the brow pencil trick for the remainder space.

5) What you need is a strong stay on and water proof brow pencil. It will be great to take a woman’s help with the selection. Also, make sure you are careful to not rub it off during the day. Make sure you don’t go to bed without washing your face clean. Face wipes help get it off easily.

This trick can be used by men who have major insecurities but the better option is to always try a beard style that is more appropriate with your beard growth as you cannot draw in your entire beard with the brow pencil.


3 Reasons To Start Paying More Attention To Your Sideburns

Sideburns are the two stripes of hair right in front of your ear and connected to your hair. What is the importance of your sideburns and does it impact your look at all?

Well, yes!

1) Sideburns are an important aspect of your final look. They are on both ends of your face and necessarily impact your entire look not only from side-profile but also the front. They can make you look fierce or timid, Loud or just very dull. They can entirely impact your final look and nullify the effect of a great beard and hairstyle if not done right!

2) Side burns can impact your appearance. You can actually deceive your physical features to cover up your insecurities with the help of side burns. You can hide your scars or acne or any marks with it.

3) Third positive is the most interesting. You can alter your physical features without surgery and with the help of your side burns. This is because, like hairstyle and beard, sideburns also impact your final look. You can style in a way that will accentuate a positive feature on your face as well as cover up or alter your negative features.

For instance, if you feel you have a small face, you must keep a short hairstyle and short or medium length side burns. That will balance out your face and it will no longer appear small. Thus, if you grow out a longer side burn despite having a small face, you will end up looking really out of balance. Your face will appear smaller than it is and the sideburns will ruin your entire face structure.

Thus it is very important to understand side burns and master the art of having efficient side burns to avoid any mishaps or beard faux pas!


7 Factors To Be Considered While Choosing The Perfect Side-burn Style for Your Face!

Sideburns are like the frame of your face. They complete the look! Sideburns can alter your look into something more desirable or into something that is just a disaster. Thus it is very important to choose the perfect style of sideburns for your face.

Here is a list of points to be considered before deciding which style is perfect for you!

1) Just like selecting the right pair of sunglasses, spectacles, hairstyle and beard, the style of sideburns greatly depends on your face shape. Round, Oval, Square, Heart, Triangle and Diamond are the basic face shapes and all of you fit in either one of the above categories. You may not feel so because a face is not EXACTLY a geometric shape but you will understand the similarities. It is important to understand what your face shape is for styling yourself right. Check out our blog on different face shapes to identify which category you belong to.

Round Face: You should opt for styles that help narrow down or slim down your face a bit to strike off a balance. Go for a sideburn style that ends around your mid-ear. Even longer if it suits your face. But make sure it is not a thick side burn. Because that will again make the side burns fluffy and make your face look rounder. So it has to be sleek but not short!

Square Face: Your square structure will make you look small and wide faced. This suits men with a small body structure but if you wish to alter the look you cando so by opting for a bit longer sideburn style. It should extend beyond your mid-ear but not too long as really long sideburns will not go well with your structure. However, do show the courage to cross your mid-ear. Make sure it’s not wide and thick as that will mess with your jawline and make your chin appear wider. About 1cm in width will be just right.

Oval Face: Oval face is often referred to as the balanced face structures. This means that your sideburn style should be well balanced. Thus, mid-ear is the perfect length for an oval face shape. Shorter sideburns will make your face look too long. Longer sideburns may suit your face but make sure it is a narrow one.

Heart Face: For this face structure you need to get a bit creative and bold. Since your lower face is tapering and upper face is broad, a wide sideburn style is not for you. Medium or short length will always suit your face but longer sideburns will not. This is because your chin area is narrow. Some trial and error will help you chose the perfect style based on your facial features.

Triangle Face: In this structure, your forehead is narrower and the chin is wide. The width of sideburns should be somewhere around 2 cms unless your forehead is too narrow. In that case you will have to bring your sideburns width to 1.5 cms.

Diamond Face: This is a great face shape for facial hair as the sharp jawline just adds a great deal of charm to your look. For this look, you need to keep the focus on the jawline and thus your sideburn style should end around your mid-ear. This will really help accentuate the structure of your lower face and the sharpness of your features.

Feel free to try several styles and pick your personal favorite. This information is merely a guide for your best and safest options.

2) Your personality greatly impacts the style of sideburns you chose because to a very large extent the style you pick for your sideburns, represents you. It is truly the frame of your face and thus it should be customized for your personality. If you are bold, try bolder styles that are more rugged. If you are into the professional gentleman phase then opt for narrow and more subtle styles. If you are the cool guy then use your razor skills for some cool styles. For inspiration do check out celebrity styles, find a celeb with a face structure that matches yours and go for it!

3) How comfortable you are with the blade will help you chose the style for you. This is because sideburns are very precise. They have to be accurate and sharp. The perfection in edges of sideburns is truly everything! If you are good with the blade then you go for really cool and funky styles. If not then you should start off bit more conservatively by just ensuring that your edges are on fleek and the length is consistent. Consistency of length is very important as odd lengths of hair will make your sideburns look unkept and unprofessional. Ill kept beard is not in fashion and will never be. It is not a cool and rugged out of bed look!

4) Your hair growth will help you make the realistic decision for your face. If you have a good growth then obviously you have the choice for styling the sideburns any way you like to. However if your growth is patchy or short then obviously you must style it realistically. Use beard oil to improve your growth and a very cool trick is to grow out a stubble. Ease in your sideburns with the stubble. Another trick is making sure that the thickness of your beard is consistent with the thickness of your sideburns. Your sideburns must be equally thick if not thicker. Keeping the sideburns consistent with your beard will help you achieve a good and balanced look!

5) Style in fashion these days greatly impact the decision you make. This means that you must follow the current trends. For instance, stylish but narrow side burns are in fashion and thus this is a look you must opt for. There was a time when really thick and wide sideburns were in fashion but that style is long gone now. You have the step burns which means side burns trimmed to look like steps or even a very sleek look which are both in fashion. Staying updated with latest trends is very important and you can do this easily by just following red carpet trends in award function and of course reading our blogs for a more descriptive guide.

6) The sideburns should essentially be in sync with your hairstyle. If you have a thick and long hair growth, you may opt for stronger sideburns but if you prefer narrow hairstyles then an aggressive sideburn style will entirely ruin your facial balance. This is a very important rule that must be followed while styling your sideburns. So say you have nice wavy hair that appear bouncy and thick, in that case you can opt for a thicker style for sideburns. But a medium length style will also suit you. However, if you have thin hair growth or you like sleek hairstyles then you must keep your sideburn conservative, compulsorily. It must be medium to short in length and sleek.

7) Your personal choice and confidence in yourself will help decide how fashion forward are you willing to be. If you enjoy bold styles then you must not shy away from trying different styles. However, if you are new to the fashion game then you must go for more conservative styles to begin with and then get bolder as you get the hang of it.

Fashion is all about defining your own self. You must choose styles that make you comfortable and confident.



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7 Factors to be Considered While Choosing the Perfect Sideburn Style for Your Face

Tips To Fix A Patchy Beard In No Time! – Beard Grooming Guide

Facial hair has the tendency to grow out at different speed and lengths. You will often come across a situation where one part of your face say around your chin or your side burns are scanty and patchy. We often don’t know how to fix a patchy beard.In this case it is important to understand that this is the most common condition for beard growth. This situation should never discourage you from growing out a beard. You need to understand that in 2-3 months your growth will be much more definitive and you will be able to cover the less thick patches with thicker patches.


Let us however consider that even after a few months your patchiness does not grow out and we still wonder how to fix a patchy beard. In this case the ideal look will be a tame beard i.e. a shorter beard like a designer stubble or short Van Gogh depending on the patchiness. Johnny Depp also has a patchy beard growth and you will often notice him sport a stylish look that goes well despite the patchy growth. James Franco also sports facial hair in a very fashionable style.


There is a beard style for almost every look and you can easily find one that matches your patchiness. For instance, guys who do not get hair around the cheeks can sport a goatee and a smart moustache. Guys who do not grow out a moustache can opt for designer stubble. Make the best of your beard!
