Top 9 Matured Mutton Chop Beard Style for Men to try

Mutton chops is a very aggressive and masculine style statement. It is for mature men only and also has a smart yet old western feel to it. This style is easy to master and here are the top 9 ways to style this beard right.

The Mature Beard Style – Mutton Chops

Mutton chop is the aggressive beard style for older men who enjoy a good style statement. Here are 9 mutton chop beard looks.


12 Ways To Create A Style Statement With The Friendly Mutton Chop Beard

Overcome the aggressiveness of the mutton chop style with the help of the friendly mutton chop beard which is more subtle in style and also suitable for all age groups.

12 Friendly Mutton Chop Style Statements

Here you will find the 12 ways to style yourself for the perfect final look in order to accentuate your friendly mutton chops style.


3 Versions Of The Mutton Chop Beard To Help You Find Your Perfect Version!

Mutton chop beard style is very aggressive and overly masculine at times. Also the standard style is for older men only. Here are three versions of the same style with more subtle options for the right look.

3 Versions Of The Mutton Chop Beard

The three versions of mutton chop will help you find your perfect variation for the same and identify your unique style.


What are Mutton Chops, The beard style?

Mutton chops are a rugged style that was popular in the older days but are coming back into limelight. Along with several old school trends, this is also a trend that is coming back into fashion and here is all you need to know about this style.

Mutton Chops beard style For Men!
Mutton Chops beard style For Men In 2019

Let’s start with the basic structure of this style. It comprises of extended sideburns. The sideburns are extended such that they meet your moustache and still go lower to reach your chin. It is a fierce look with a strong sideburn growth. This look is old school and is coming back in fashion in the form of friendly mutton chops.

Mutton Chops - The beard style For Men
Mutton Chops - The beard style

For this look you need to grow out your sideburns as well as a fierce moustache. You can even just grow out a regular beard still attached to the sideburns and then style it up. Obviously trimming a beard into mutton chops style is easier than regularly trimming the new growth to the desired shape.

Mutton Chops - The beard style!
Mutton Chops beard style For Men

Start by growing our strong and long sideburns first. Keep it bushy and strong. Use beard oil to ensure that your growth is constant and also helps to increase the growth to a certain extent if the oil is natural. A great beard shampoo also helps in maintaining proper hygiene which will protect your face from clogged pores and keep it oil free to provide perfect environment for beard growth! Also simultaneously grow out a moustache. Your moustache can be thick or slim based on your personal choice but this style demands a thick growth. Most important thing to remember is that the moustache should be long and symmetrical as it has to meet your sideburns.

What are Mutton Chops - The beard style!
What are Mutton Chops - The beard style

Once your sideburns start getting wild, let it grow out into a nice strong stubble and then a beard. Once you have achieved the length you desire for the muttonchops you can start with the shaping by help of a trimmer. It is the classic style that comprises of long and fierce near hair. But you should style it as per personal choice. You need to start by identifying the imaginary line below your cheekbones that is connected to both sideburns and then trim along that line. Also this style is aggressive along both ends of the so make sure the growth is not trimmed down at the bottom.  However, the chin area has to be clean shaven. That brings out the exact shape of this style!

This style is very loud and also vintage. Older men should opt for this style and when younger men do, it should be the friendly muttonchops. Maintenance of this style is very important and thus regular trimming along areas that are meant to be clean shaven, is a must. Also, beard hygiene is very important as you go for a much fiercer look.

This look is suitable for all face structures but especially for round faces as it makes your face look narrower. But since it covers most of your lower face, it is great for any face structure except triangular face. This is because your face is already narrow at the top and heavy at the bottom and adding extra weightage to the bottom will make your face look bulky.


Know The Difference – Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops

Know The Difference – Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops Beard
Know The Difference – Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops

Mutton chops is a beard trend that has come back in fashion from the past. However this style has changed a bit through the time travel. It has come back in the form of friendly mutton chops and has brought back along with it also the classic style. Thus what is the difference between the two and which one should you opt for?

Know The Difference – Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style
Know The Difference – Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops Beard Style!

Mutton chops is a style that comprises of aggressive and fierce sideburns that extend up to both ends of your chin and even merge with the moustache. The chin area is clean shaven and the lower ridge of cheekbones is used as an imaginary border to trim it in style.

Know The Difference Classic Mutton Chops & Friendly Mutton Chops
Muttonchops Beard Style for Round Face

Regular mutton chops are strong and fierce. You have both sideburns extending up to the corners of your chin. Around the lower cheek area, this growth get even fiercer and then starts tapering down as it reaches the jawline and meets with it in a narrow end. This style is loud and classic. Although both styles are unprofessional, this style is all the more so. This is simply because it is not only aggressive but also very fancy. It is great look for older men especially when on a vacation. The moustache is also supposed to be thick and meet the sideburns. It is a fierce look and you must be ready to go all out for this look. It is a cool mature look suitable for almost all face structure expect triangular as it further emphasizes the lower part of your face.

Friendly mutton chops are much calmer. They are trimmed short and even the moustache hair length is trimmed short. Thus the basic difference between the two is essentially the hair length by about 1.5 mm or more easily. However, this makes all the difference in the world as it greatly tames down the look.  It is more suitable style for all age groups and again men with a triangular face structure must avoid this style. In case of the classic mutton chops you don’t necessarily need a moustache while in case of friendly mutton-shops you sure do need the moustache. It is a part of the style.

For a younger crowd, you should opt for friendly mutton chops. In fact the classic mutton chops are too fierce for an everyday look. They can be flaunted as a once in a while style on vacation. Keeping the friendly mutton chops trimmed is very important to maintain consistency with the help of adjustable trimmers. While the classic style can be groomed and trimmed once in 2-3 days still no problem. In both cases the cheekbone area as well as the main chin area is to be clean shaven. If you are a professional you must avoid both look or at least opt for just the friendly mutton chops.
