A Complete Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks In 2020

The shorter long beard is basically a medium beard with the illusion of a long beard. These styles are great for a strong beard game with much less maintenance and mess. Also these styles are great for men that do not enjoy a strong beard growth. Here are the beard styles that are classified under this category.

Read our individual blogs about the same for an in depth idea regarding the styling and maintenance of these beard styles!

1. Ducktail Beard

Ducktail beard is the stylish yet convenient beard style that is perfect for men who enjoy their beards and yet are bound by time constraints. It is low maintenance and also a very simple style to master. This is one of the most popular beard styles and rightly so because it is a very young and smart look.

You Can Easily Achieve Ducktail Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Oil

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2. French Fork

The French fork is a more stylish version of the ducktail beard. It escalates the ducktail beard for a more mature yet playful look. The French fork is a stylish look with the added bonus of a unique style that will be much less common than the ducktail. It is easy to master and surely gives you an edge quite effortlessly.

You Can Easily Achieve French Fork Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Balm

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3. Imperial Beard

The imperial beard is one of the best beard styles for men with scanty hair growth. It is elegant and classy. However this style requires some amount of precision and expertise with regard to the styling and trimming aspect. Also the additional moustache extravagance may come off as too much effort but this look is totally worth it and also much easier to maintain than all extravagant beard styles. The imperial beard is also acceptable in many professional organizations.

You Can Easily Achieve Imperial Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shampoo

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4. Circle Beard

The circle beard is one of the most tricky beard styles there is because it requires absolute precision of shape and style. The shape of the beard has to be perfectly circular and this is the reason why most men avoid this style. There is a certain way to achieve this shape and you must check out our blog for the same to get a clearer picture. This style is mature and smart. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent times on account of its consistent appearances in several TV shows as well as movies.

You Can Easily Achieve Circle Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Grooming Kit

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5. Verdi Beard

The Verdi beard is the most aggressive beard of this lot. It comprises of a nice thick beard and a long handlebar moustache. Yet it is categorized here because this style is not as aggressive as Bandholz or Garibaldi. It is a much more subtle and classy style statement with masculinity at its highest without having to handle messy thicker beards like Bandholz. While this style is ideally not at all acceptable in professional environment, it is a great style statement for all other occasions. Growth is in its natural form and maintenance requires only basic trimming.


You Can Easily Achieve Verdi Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shavers And Trimers

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Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks
5 Stylish Beard Looks For Men

The Ultra-Masculine & Sexy Verdi Beard In Just 5 Steps!

The Verdi beard style is an ultra-modern and a charming look for men of all ages. However, this is a mature style and thus more suitable for men who have crossed their 27. It is bold and attractive as well as a style statement in itself yet not a complicated style that requires excessive maintenance and expert techniques.

Verdi beard style is complimented very well with a handlebar moustache. It is very important to master the handlebar moustache because this style is suitable with almost all beard looks.

Verdi Beard Style For Men In 2019

Picture Credits

You must follow the basic steps to master this style –

Apply natural beard oil till the moustache grows out in length and thickness. Once it crosses the length of your upper lips, start twirling up both ends. You can even use scissors to first trim the ends and then twirl it up for even narrow finish. Use beard oil regularly to maintain the shape.

As for the beard, it is a strong and thick beard. The side burns are narrow at the top and get thicker as they descend. This shape is great for men with round face as it give the appearance of an oval face structure with the narrow bottom. Also, it is suitable for men with the edgy rectangular and square face for a softer look.

Verdi Beard Style For Men In 2019!
The Ultra-Masculine Verdi Beard In Just 5 Steps!

You will require good amount of beard oil to keep this style in place all day. The thickness may get out of hand for which you can use scissors to snip off the rough ends. You may even use beard wax for more stability. It is important to regularly shampoo your beard before you are off to bed to get rid of all the dirt as well as the product. Also make sure you dry out your beard at night itself otherwise it will get unmanageable in the morning!

This is a cool style but not a professional look. It is a nice and smart bearded look that does not require much styling and expertise except the regular beard trimming and beard oil.


The Sexy & Smart French Fork Beard In 7 Steps!

The French fork is a highly underrated bearding style that has regained its importance in the recent fashion season by recreating the fashion wave. It is a very casual yet sharp look and also one of the most attractive styles to women!

The French fork is essentially a ducktail beard with a forked end. This end adds the elegance and style to the beard and gives it the edge that makes men look the rugged yet elegant self. This style is not for a professional office look but a very casual style. It is great for dates because it is a sharp and neat look!

Steps to get The Sexy and Smart French Fork Beard are as follows:

1. The French fork is a style for men with a medium to strong beard growth. It is also complimented by a chevron or a handlebar moustache but make sure the handlebar is thicker at the center and both ends of the moustache meet the beard. A moustache gives this style a more mature and masculine look while still maintaining the elegance. Let us understand how to achieve this style!

2. The basic steps are the same as the ducktail moustache. You must use good amount of beard oil to achieve a strong growth. At the same time, make sure your moustache is also well nourished because even the moustache will be on the thicker side.

3. Next you need to start trimming at the medium or thick stubble stage itself. The side burns are very narrow and that ensures the elegant appeal of this style. Thus you must use some clear gel and regularly ensure that the side burns are narrow say about 3cms.

4. The entire beard is traced down your jawline and very narrow on your face. It is grown out downwards from your jawline. You can keep your neck clean shaven or add a gradual clean shaven effect with the help of an adjustable trimmer.

5. Make sure your moustache is well trimmed regularly and sharp. Use beard oil to maintain the style and you may even opt for wax or mousse if the beard is difficult to maintain with just the oil. It is important to trim both moustache and beard regularly because in this look there is no thick grizzly facial hair, rather just well-maintained strong growth.

6. Finally you go for the French fork. Use a good amount of beard wax and some scissors for this style. Locate the bottom center of your beard. Use scissors to snip off a couple of beard hair, not all just very few. The fork will be at least 1.5 cm in length so make sure you keep that in mind when you use your scissors. If your beard is not very thick you can skip the scissors and directly jump to the wax.

7. Use the wax to create a fork or separation shaped like an upside down “V”. This fork will be very casual and thus you will not need too much wax and a very sharp straight cut. Just a gentle fork is all you need. You may even use beard oil if you want to keep it very casual.

This style is very simple to achieve as well as to maintain. It is for a strong beard growth and not a very thick or aggressive beard and thus most men can opt for this look. It is much more edgy than your regular beards and yet without that much effort!


Get The Aggressive Dutch Beard in 5 Quick Steps!

The Dutch beard is a smart and aggressive style. Also, it is a casual look and not at all suitable for the professional world. This style is only for the men with a strong beard growth and because it requires a very aggressive beard, it is not achievable for all but men with a medium to strong growth can opt for this style.

The dutch beard is essentially the garibaldi beard without the moustache and thus it has the signature square shape with round edges but without the moustache. This style requires a strong hand at the trimming and shaving as well as maintaining.

First, you must start off with a good beard growth and until then let your beard grow in its natural form. Once your entire face is covered and the beard starts growing out that is when you make your first move. Until then make sure you keep your beard well-nourished with beard oil and well maintained with a trimmer.

The side burns for this beard start off very narrow, say about 1-1.5 cms only. Your second step is to trim the beard narrow and then let it descend wider.

Around the chin you need to take matters in your hand, literally. Use a light marker or clear shaving gel to mark the shape of your beard. Make sure that both sides are even by using a ruler for the markings. The third step is thus styling out with the help of scissors and trimmer. A razor may not be able to establish the right style and thus a trimmer is a better option.

The fourth step is to then grow out the beard beyond the jawline. While you do this make sure you do not narrow in the bottom of beard like you usually do for all other beard styles. The bottom is not tapered and rather flat. To achieve this look you will have to allow your beard to grow out even from the upper neck region. this will provide the support and aggression for the flat bottom style.

Finally you can use a trimmer as well as a pair of scissors to achieve the flat bottom and then use beard oil to twirl the ends inwards so as to give it a rather natural finish than a pointy one.


6 Reasons Why You Should Opt For Ducktail Beard Look In 2020

6 reasons Why you should opt for Ducktail Beard look?

1. It is easy and very convenient to achieve the ducktail beard look.

2. It is equally easy and convenient to maintain the ducktail beard style.

3. It helps make your face appear slimmer.

4. This style has a very mature vibe to it.

5. Ducktail beard is a classy yet casual style for elegant men who love to keep even their casual style on point!

6. It is much more hassle-free as compared to beard beast style or any other style which comprises of thick and long beard.

Ducktail Beard - 6 Reasons You Need This Look
Opt For Ducktail Beard Look In 2018

13 Duck Tail Beard Styles – The Sexiest Beard Style Trend Of 2020

Leonardo Di Caprio and Brad Pitt have often been seen carrying around ducktail style of beard and it sets them apart in the most rugged manner possible. The Ducktail beard is a very convenient beard style that enhances your face structure and irrespective of what your structure is, it gives you the slimming and long appearance. This style is surprisingly not very difficult at all and truly creates a stir.

The important requirement in this case is a strong beard growth. Now there are styles like anchor or chin curtain that do not require a strong growth and thus can be pulled off by all but this style in particular requires thick and long beard growth. This can be achieved with the help of natural beard oils and proper maintenance of your beard. But it is very important to be reasonable about the growth and if you have a scanty growth, this style is not for you.

This is a bearding style that does not have several versions and looks. It is not a subjective style. It is one basic look and the style directs you exactly how your end result should be. We have all seen a duck’s tail right? It is tapering towards the end but much thicker and rounder at the base. That is exactly the shape that you need to imitate. Thus your beard growth will be strong around your cheekbones and your beard will extend beyond your chin but once it crosses the jawline, it should taper in. Now you have the option to taper it in really slick but for a rugged or out-of-bed look, you should keep it a bit more relaxed and just narrow not slick.

Let’s start off with the growing.  For ducktail beard look you need a full grown beard but it need not be very dense and thick. So let your beard grow out naturally and trim regularly to maintain same length throughout. If you have a round face or you are very chubby, keep the length of your beard around your cheeks shorter. This will make it appear slimmer as well as give you the proper ducktail shape. It is important to maintain hygiene especially as the beard gets thicker. Beard oil is a must to improve quality of beard. Also, your base point should be a stubble.

A moustache goes well with ducktail beard style. Usually the moustache should be long enough to reach your beard for the best look. This is a very complete and aggressive style statement. However, make sure your moustache is not very thick. Keep it of medium density/thickness. Your attraction is the beard, not the moustache.

This style is clearly a very casual style. It goes great for casual parties and events. You can even carry this off with a tuxedo as much as you can with shorts. There is not much maintenance involved except the regular trimming. No shaping is required. However, keeping the beard clean and oiling it regularly is important. For a party or event, or even an important date, you must use some beard wax or beard mousse and slick it in a bit. This will help to keep the beard under control all day long. it is very important to carry a comb around.

This style is easy and can be pulled off by even amateurs with not experienced and practiced bearding skills. Acquiring the shapes in circle beard and anchor beard is comparatively harder. Also, this style is versatile. However, this is a mature look. Middle aged men often carry off this style. It is a sexy and suave style that grabs a lot of attention. A good pair of sunglasses helps complete the look.

The style is not for you if

  • You have scanty beard growth
  • You have patchy beard growth
  • You are a professional and go to work daily where beards are strictly not allowed
  • You are in college or just too young for such aggressive looks
  • You do not regularly shampoo or oil your beard
Ducktail Beard - The Charming Beard Style
The Sexsiest Beard Style Trend Of 2018


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Hottest Beard Style of 2016 – Ducktail Beard

5 Things You Must Know About Medium Stubble Beard

Medium Stubble Beard is the most popular beard style of all the stubble beard. This is because it is similar to a designer stubble beard but with much less maintenance. Medium Stubble Beard is the most basic stubble of them all! What must you keep in mind for this look?

Here are the top 5 things that you must know about the medium stubble beard before you opt for this look.

1) Medium stubble beard is usually of length 0.5-1cms. It covers most of your beard area and also your neck as it disappears gradually.

2) The best feature of this look is that it is cool, casual and requires the least maintenance of them all! You can carry off this look to college, a date or even casual dinner with your bros!

3) This stubble is considered to be the base for growing out fuller beards and thus men who want fuller beards should start off by aiming for the perfect medium stubble. From here onwards you start off by regularly nourishing your beard and ensuring the growth is maintained well.

4) To achieve this look you must start off by growing out your stubble. as it grows out you need to use your close shave trimmer set to the lowest adjustment to get a closer shave in regions that grow out faster than the rest. As the beard starts growing out, it becomes even easier to manage and cover up the patchiness.

5) You need not have sharp edges for this one but if you are a professional then you ideally must. A beard wax will help you make it appear thicker and less patchy if these are you major issues for avoiding this look!

It is important to remember that this beard can very well be used as a base for several other styles like soul patch or anchor beard, chin curtain or even a French. Thus it is important to master this look. The whole knack is with the maintenance. The trick is to regularly trim the stubble till all hair reaches equal length and once it does you can then let it grow out in the shape you prefer, aim for or idolize!


3 Professional Beard Styles For Your Workplace

There are different types of professional beard. Apart from the basic French styles, the popular styles are designer stubble, professional bearded look, hipster beard, van dyke etc.

Here are the top 3 Professional Beard Styles looks that even your boss will envy!

1. The designer stubble is acceptable in several organizations so for all the working men who wish to rock a beard, this is your safest bet.With the growing importance on men’s beard, several work places have become a bit more liberal with allowing their employees to flaunt some facial hair and designer stubble is pretty acceptable. Only thing to remember is that it should be neat and sharp.

2. The Van Dyke (short) is also acceptable in almost all work environments. However, you need to make sure it is well trimmed and maintained.

3. Finally, for men who work in offices where bosses are not a fan of beards, well you may opt for cool moustaches like the chevron, handlebar and walrus. If the rest of your face is clean shaven, this will not only impress your bosses but also make up for the lack of beard to some extent!

Chevron Moustache Style For Office Look
3 Professional Beard Styles For Your Office Look
Handlebar moustache & beard style
designer stubble beard style
Short Van Dyke beard style
Workplace Beard Styles For Charming Men
3 Classy Beard Styles For Workplace

3 Steps To Achieve Perfect Chin Strap Beard

You need to start off with stubble. Grow a basic designer stubble and then follow the steps given below and grow Perfect Chin Strap Beard:

Stylish Chin Strap Beard Style
How To Style Chin Strap Beard With Moustache – Styling Guide

1) Wash your face well. This will help you get the proper trim and shave and also define the line.

2) Use a trimmer and trim out the excess hair to a shorter length so as to establish a boundary for a clear edged close shave.

3) Use clear gel to identify the hair growth as well as the edges. Now you need to visualize the look. Most men keep the strap even from the side burns up to the chin. This is a more classic as well as safe look as compared to changing the width of the strap. Then shave off the excess along the desired edge for a clean chin strap.

You my keep stubble with shorter length around the strap. Also the width of the strap may vary however it should not exceed 2-3 cms.in width.

Chin Strap Beard look works well at work place and also for parties. It is a boon for men with scantier beard that makes you look stylish!


3 Really Cool Ways To Strike The Van Dyke Beard With Complete Ease!

Van Dyke Fully Facial Hair
Van Dyke Detached Moustache and Beard Style
Pointed Van Dyke
Cool Ways To Strike The Van Dyke Beard With Complete Ease!

Van dyke Beard is in fashion and also suitable for almost every occasion for every face type. You need to start off with a clean and dry face as well as beard. Also you will require a bit of a thick beard, say about 2cm long. The important thing to remember is that you cannot grow out a Van Dyke, you can shape up a regular beard into a Van Dyke.

Here are the 3 cool ways to strike the Van Dyke Beard with complete ease!

1) You need to decide the length of your moustache and then trim from both ends of your moustache up to your jawline in a straight line, downwards. Let’s call this the margin. You can trim the excess hair on your cheeks, beyond the margin. This look goes well with a handlebar beard, in that case your margin will be drawn from the end of your cupids bow.

2) Next step is to pull down the margin continuing it from your jawline to the end of your neck from both sides. However as you extend it to your neck, the margin will slant inwards along your face shape. You can just follow the shape of your neck or take your chin up and trim at a semi-circular angle.

3) Next step is to connect both margins in a straight line, along your neck. It cannot be too long. You may go for a clean shave below this margin or gradation but in case of a van dyke, clean shave is the right way.

You can finish the look with a nice clean shave of the excess beard and proper edges for your moustache.

3 Really Cool Ways To Strike The Van Dyke Beard With Complete Ease!
3 Cool Ways To Strike The Van Dyke Beard With Complete Ease!