12 Sexiest Long Beard Styles For Modern Gentlemen

Garibaldi beard, Bandholz beard and the extended Verdi beard are your 3 best bets when it comes to the aggressive Long Beard Styles that add charm and character to your beard game like no other. These styles are only for the elite with such aggressive growth!

long beard

12 Sexiest Long Beard Styles for Modern Gent

9 Jaw-Dropping Long Beard Styles
Beard For Modern Gentlemen - The Long Beard

A Complete Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks In 2020

The shorter long beard is basically a medium beard with the illusion of a long beard. These styles are great for a strong beard game with much less maintenance and mess. Also these styles are great for men that do not enjoy a strong beard growth. Here are the beard styles that are classified under this category.

Read our individual blogs about the same for an in depth idea regarding the styling and maintenance of these beard styles!

1. Ducktail Beard

Ducktail beard is the stylish yet convenient beard style that is perfect for men who enjoy their beards and yet are bound by time constraints. It is low maintenance and also a very simple style to master. This is one of the most popular beard styles and rightly so because it is a very young and smart look.

You Can Easily Achieve Ducktail Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Oil

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2. French Fork

The French fork is a more stylish version of the ducktail beard. It escalates the ducktail beard for a more mature yet playful look. The French fork is a stylish look with the added bonus of a unique style that will be much less common than the ducktail. It is easy to master and surely gives you an edge quite effortlessly.

You Can Easily Achieve French Fork Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Balm

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3. Imperial Beard

The imperial beard is one of the best beard styles for men with scanty hair growth. It is elegant and classy. However this style requires some amount of precision and expertise with regard to the styling and trimming aspect. Also the additional moustache extravagance may come off as too much effort but this look is totally worth it and also much easier to maintain than all extravagant beard styles. The imperial beard is also acceptable in many professional organizations.

You Can Easily Achieve Imperial Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shampoo

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4. Circle Beard

The circle beard is one of the most tricky beard styles there is because it requires absolute precision of shape and style. The shape of the beard has to be perfectly circular and this is the reason why most men avoid this style. There is a certain way to achieve this shape and you must check out our blog for the same to get a clearer picture. This style is mature and smart. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent times on account of its consistent appearances in several TV shows as well as movies.

You Can Easily Achieve Circle Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Grooming Kit

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5. Verdi Beard

The Verdi beard is the most aggressive beard of this lot. It comprises of a nice thick beard and a long handlebar moustache. Yet it is categorized here because this style is not as aggressive as Bandholz or Garibaldi. It is a much more subtle and classy style statement with masculinity at its highest without having to handle messy thicker beards like Bandholz. While this style is ideally not at all acceptable in professional environment, it is a great style statement for all other occasions. Growth is in its natural form and maintenance requires only basic trimming.


You Can Easily Achieve Verdi Beard Style If You Invest In Right Beard Products Like Beard Shavers And Trimers

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Guide For The 5 Balanced Beard Looks
5 Stylish Beard Looks For Men

5 Steps To Quickly Shape Your Long Beard In Style!

The most commonly asked questions remains to be – How to shape a long beard? Well shaping a beard is easy and it is important to start with basics and practice your way to the top.

Here is a step wise guide on how to shape a long beard in 5 quick steps.

1. You should start with a clean beard which basically means a nicely shampooed and well maintained beard which is trimmed at least every 3-4 days depending on your growth.

2. The washed and wet beard should then be combed using narrow teeth comb to understand the exact shape and also clear out knots.

3. Shape your beard using a good quality trimmer and use a good razor to shave off the excess. Once you finish, don’t forget to use after shave for the clear areas and beard oil for your beard.

4. Beard mousse or moustache oil can be used to add density and ensure that your beard remains put. For instance if you have a rounder face and wish to flatten your sideburns you can use beard wax or mousse or moustache wax. Take some on your fingers and apply using pressure in a downward direction over your side burns. Beard mousse helps to not only style but also works like a hair spray without the chemicals and roughness.

5. Final step is to maintain the beard by regular trimming and shaping with scissors. Also, experimenting as per your face structure.

Quick Tips For Shaping Long Beard
5 Step Guide To Shape Long Beard