13 Sharp Vintage Handlebar Mustaches For Men

Extreme Curl Vintage Handlebar Mustache
The Vintage Handlebar Moustache
The Vintage Handlebar Moustache.
The Vintage Handlebar Moustache Style For Men In 2019

Handlebar moustache is a classic moustache style that has been brought back to the fashion world. It resembles a handlebar and is thus called a handlebar moustache. Both ends of the moustache are tapering and curved upwards just like a handlebar.

This style is elite and symbolizes elegance. It was a style for the noble and even today brings along elegance. You do not need strong moustache game for this style and is thus the ideal look for men with scanty growth. It is a narrow style and the elegance lies in the precision. Also, it is a style that requires a lot of commitment. Let’s get started with the growth and grooming for this look.

The Vintage Handlebar Moustache Style For Men
The Vintage Handlebar Moustache For Men

You need to begin with growing out the moustache hair. The styling for handlebar begins from day one. Once you achieve a medium growth, you need to apply moustache/beard oil for better growth. As the ends of your moustache start growing out you must, regularly, start curling it upwards. Now it is convenient to achieve this style with the help of scissors rather than a trimmer. Use you scissors to ensure both ends of your moustache are narrow. However the real trick here is not trimming the moustache hair but shaping it the right way. Ideally, the narrowness should be achieved with the help of beard wax/mousse. You should ensure that the products you use are all natural as this style requires large amount of consumption. On a daily basis you will require the wax to keep your moustache in style. Once the shape is achieved, you can switch to beard oil if you feel that is effective enough to hold the style.

The Vintage Handlebar Moustache For Men In 2019
Perfect Vintage Handlebar Moustache

There are two styles for this moustache. The classic style is a narrow moustache with even narrower handlebar ends. For this style you can either use trimmer or scissors to slim down your moustache or use a good amount of product like moustache/beard wax. Take a good amount of the product for a thicker moustache. Rub it between your index finger and thumb. Locate the centre of your moustache. Starting from the centre, apply the wax by starting from the centre and then moving your thumb and index finger in opposite directions. Use some more product to curl up your ends and twist simultaneously for best results. Use a comb over your product for a better finishing.

The second style is much more in fashion and casual. In this case, only the ends are twisted, curled up and narrow. The centre region remains pretty thick. So you need to apply product only for the ends. In this case beard oil is enough and this style requires much less product as well as maintenance. Use a comb to comb down the mid region of your moustache for the perfect finish. But comb it down and outwards from the centre in opposite direction.

Thus you have the additional responsibility of maintaining hygiene. Moustache is right around your mouth and it is thus important that the products you use are of good quality and natural. You should wash it well to get rid of the entire product before you are off to bed. If you feel that the wax has caused any damage, use natural oils to nourish your stache. Use coconut oil or even just natural coconut milk right out of the fruit, to nourish your stache. Leave it in for a few minutes and then wash it clean. It is also important to wash your moustache comb well, daily.

This style sure requires more attention but the look is worth the effort. If you wish to keep this style only for a special occasion then make sure your entire shape is achieved by using good amount of moustache wax. If you trim it short with scissors then either you will have to maintain the style or get rid of the stache all together.

This style goes well with almost all beard styles. Goatee, Verdi, Imperial, Stubble or even clean shaven look! It is elegant and classy so you can carry off this style with an absolutely clean shaven look. Men with scanty or patchy growth can easily opt for this style.


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Petite Handlebar Moustache – The Best Moustache Style

The petite handlebar moustache is a more mature version of the handlebar moustache. This style is carried off by mature men and not so suitable for college goers. It is also acceptable in corporate world and is one of the very few styles that is not considered unprofessional in most organizations.

The petite handlebar, as the name suggests is a handlebar moustache but smaller rather shorter. Petite means small. While the handlebar reaches almost the mid region of your cheeks based on your personal preference, this moustache is considerably shorter. It barely reaches your cheeks and some men take it just about 1 cm beyond the nose border. Another point of difference is that this moustache is not so curled up. It is mildly styled upwards just forming a wave, unlike the handlebar moustache.

This moustache is usually medium to thick. It requires good amount of beard oil for styling and maintenance. Most men that carry off a handlebar moustache for occasions prefer this style for regular routine. Reason being that this style can be easily transformed into a handlebar moustache just by growing out both ends and curling it further. Men with narrow face shall opt for handlebar and flaunt the style just perfectly. Petite handlebar is for almost all other face structures. It is versatile and goes well with face shapes. Also this style will go well with circle beard, Bandholz, Verdi or even clean shaven look. It is versatile but only for the mature styles. It will not go so well for younger looks like anchor. Verdi and Imperial are best beard styles for this moustache.

Let us learn how to achieve this look-

This is very similar to the handlebar except that it is shorter. You need good nourishing which can be achieved by using natural beard oil or moustache oil. Also it is very important to comb the moustache in shape as it is growing. You need to locate the centre of the moustache and comb in opposite outward directions from the centre. This will ensure that the growth of your moustache is also in the same direction. Once it starts reaching your nose region, start curling it a bit upwards. Make sure that the shape you twist it in is a wave and not a complete curl. This style is merely an upward wave. The important thing to remember is that while the ends of petite handlebar moustache are narrow, they aren’t entirely narrow. The moustache is of medium thickness and tapers only at the ends i.e. the wave. You can use beard oil and twist the ends upwards for the look. You may also use beard wax to ensure it is set right in and the style stays put for the rest of the day.

It is important to maintain proper hygiene by keeping your moustache clean and also your comb or all other equipments involved.

This style is suitable for more mature men. This however does not mean that younger men cannot pull it off. It is important to remember that this is a mature style and will thus go well with mature clothing. So you should not carry this off with lose, ripped denims and t-shirt. A shirt with trousers or suits, jackets, even sweater is a good style that compliments this look.

3 Easy Steps to Achieve the Handlebar Moustache

Handlebar moustache is all the rage and here are 5 easy steps to achieve the look. The steps will be easier to follow on a growing moustache rather than a fully grown thick moustache. If it has gotten thick, you will need precision with your trimming.

Here are the 3 Easy steps to achieve the handlebar moustache

1) Make sure you start off with a clean and dry face. You need to get rid of oiliness with the help of a nice face wash and then towel dry it well.

2) Next you need to trim off completely the moustache hair right under both the ends of your moustache to create the handlebar edge. Only the hair in your cupids bow area that grows out to both ends will be used. For this what you need to do is lift the moustache hair that has roots on the upper part of your bow and trim the hair that has roots at the edge of your upper lip.

3) Use your fingers to part at the centre and comb your moustache. Now, trim off the excess at the top and on your lip.

Finally you may use a good quality moustache wax to curl up the ends and get a clean handlebar moustache look using your fingers.
