From Full Beard To Stubble – Beard Trimming Style Guide

This is for men with a full beast beard who wish to trim down or tone down the look. I understand that after putting in so much efforts it is nearly impossible to part from the beard and therefore here are steps or stages of beard that will make you enjoy the entire trimming experience. You will find individual blogs for all the styles mentioned below. Here begins the journey from Fuller beard to a stubble beard.

Fuller beard to a stubble beard

1) Beast beard –

Full grown thick beard as men dream of!

2) Ducktail beard

A cool and vintage style for older men. Start off by snipping out the excess hair around the beard and use beard wax to give it a better shape to taper it downwards. Also trim down around your moustache and chin area.

3) Hollywood beard look –

The classic Hollywood definition of a man’s beard. Let go of your side burns by trimming them downwards. The narrow bottom of the beard will also have to go. this beard concentrates around the jawline.

4) Classic Dutch Beard

The classic Dutch Beard like that of Abraham Lincoln. Also known as the Lincoln Beard. Start off by either cleaning off your moustache or slimming it down. For this look you will need to grow out some facial hair around the sideburn region so if you chose to follow this look after Hollywood style then make sure you don’t trim your side burns too short!

5) Short Boxed beard –

This is the basic short beard that goes well with any look. This look is preferred with a moustache for the box effect! You need to trim your beard closer in to your jawline as this is a narrower look. This look is ideal for chubby men who want to slim down their face!

5) The Goatee Beard

Time less style. The goatee can be mastered in any shape and size of your choice. You can go for the classis goatee or any variety of sole patch. For this you must trim down the excess beard around the cheeks and side burns as well as the neck. But make sure you don’t clean shave it as we still have some looks to go! Leave that moustache in!

6) Van Dyke Beard

The elegant and Royal look. For this you need to shape up your goatee by slimming it down to the exact shape of a van dyke. You need excellent trimmer and razor for the same. Keep your hand steady and use a clear gel for this look. It sure is a tough cookie to crack but definitely worth the effort!

7) Anchor beard look

This style is right next to your Van Dyke and brings out the charm in you! It is a much narrower van dyke in lose sense. Also your moustache will be slim. The patch on your chin will be slimmed down to resemble an anchor and your van dyke-tail will be snipped off for a more compact look.

8) Finally you come down to the basics – The Stubble.

As stated before, trim down the beard do not clean shave. That ensures you can enjoy the final stubble look. Starting off with heavy stubble and gradually moving on to designer stubble or medium stubble as per your choice finally ending with short stubble!

These styles will essentially help you make the most use of your full grown beard as well as give you the opportunity to try various styles. You can then identify the style that suits you best and then move ahead with it. Also, it is difficult and tedious to clean shave a full grown beard. This is the most effective way of doing the same. Your moustache styles may change as per your looks.


15 Full Beard Styles – Full Bearded Edition

The fuller bearded style is aggressive and charming. Learn how to style yourself so as to compliment the hard earned beard! These full beard styles will up your fashion game by several notches!

15 Full Beard Styles – Full Bearded Edition

Here are the 15 ways to style yourself for the perfect combination with the full bearded look.


12 Hairstyles Men Should Opt For The Aggressive Beard Styles

The fade haircut, undercut, cowlick, Mohawk and finally the cornrow braids are the hottest trends when it comes to hairstyles that compliment the aggressive and beastly beards. These hairstyles elevate the beard game up several notches!

12 Hairstyles For The Aggressive Beard Styles

Men that enjoy aggressive and thick beard styles must opt for these 12 hairstyles when it comes to ensuring that the beard is the center of all attention.


The 11 Perfect Shirts To Style With Your Bandholz Beard

The Bandholz beard is a strong and sexy beard. These 11 shirts combine the masculinity with style and give you the perfectly flawless combination that will compliment your beard and further accentuate the aggressiveness that it rightly symbolizes.

The 11 Perfect Shirts To Style With Your Bandholz Beard

This beard style is smart and sexy. Here are the 11 shirts that will elevate your bearded look.


17 Imperial Beard Versions For The Stylish Men

The imperial beard is a charming and elegant beard style with a youth effect thus making it even more irresistible. It is the effortlessly disciplined beard and here are 3 different versions of the same style to guide you into finding the style most suitable for your face.

17 Imperial Beard Versions For The Stylish Men

This beard style is a sexy yet elegant beard style for men of all ages with its engaging aura. Here are 11 versions of this classic style.

Imperial Beard Style For Men In 2019

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6 Proven Tips For Growing a Fuller Beard!

We will address the guys who have experienced “beard envy”. This is basically a term for the guys who do not enjoy the growth spurt and wish they had some facial hair to flaunt a fuller beard as well.

Here are the 6 Proven tips for fuller beard

1. Make sure your face is oil-free at all times. Carry wet-wipes and keep washing your face. Oil blocks your pores and thus prevents your beard from growing out!

2. If you have never really grown a full beard, you need 4-5 or even 6 months depending on your hormones. So you need to start in advance. An easy hack is that summer is great for hair growth while winter is not so much. So well if you want to grow your beard faster start from summer.

3. Once you do start growing a beard and moustache, remember that moustache is comparatively easier. For the first few months, it is advisable to expect more out of your moustache than your beard.

4. Now as for your moustache, the first month will be really awkward. It you are working or just prefer to keep your upper lip clean shaven, your first attempt at growing a moustache will be ‘awkward’. You will have scanty hair and look just right in the middle of puberty! But let it grow out. Do not shave it off! Do not trim! Eventually you will get a thicker and fuller moustache!

5. You need an expert trimmer. Basically you need to trim the regions that grow hair faster to match your adamant patches. Consistency is the key.

6. Remember that while your genes may not support a full on classic beard, you may as well aim for a nice stubble and basic moustache. Your beard will grow out in patches. This is something that every man experiences! However, the good news is that if you manage to strive through your awkward-patchy phase you will grow enough hair even in your patches, for elegant and suave stubble.


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6 Proven Tips For Growing a Full Beard
Fuller Beard - 6 Tips Unveiled
6 Useful Tips For Fuller Beard

The Female Magnet – Bandholz Beard Style For Men In 2020

The Bandholz Beard Style is truly the most charming and attractive beard on men. It is a female magnet with all the charisma and also pretty much uncommon. This style is sure to throw you in the limelight and here is how you can achieve this look.

This style requires a strong amount of beard growth. Also it is an aggressive look. So you must understand that you beard growth cannot be scanty for this look. A medium growth is also good enough for this look because with the following tricks you can transform that into a cool Bandholz.

The tricks are as following:

1. As your beard is growing out use good amount of natural beard oil preferably olive and coconut based because that will give your beard strength and enhanced growth

2. Trim your beard every 2-3 days. Trimming essentially cuts off the narrow tips of the hair and exposes the thicker mid-region instead which makes your beard appear thicker

3. Beard oil adds thickness and definition to the beard. So does beard wax and mousse. They make your beard appear much thicker. You can also obtain dyed mousse and wax for a shade that best matches your beard hair shade.

4. Make sure you comb your hair after applying beard oil or any product to ensure that it spreads evenly. Also the comb will massage your roots and increase strength of the beard as well as its growth.

Once you obtain the desired growth to commence towards the Bandholz, make sure you buy yourself the perfect beard kit that should include an adjustable trimmer, pair of small scissors, beard and moustache comb, clear shaving gel, small mirror, beard brush, beard oil, beard wax and mousse, if you have not already. Never proceed towards this beard without the proper kit.

You need the thick handlebar moustache for this look. The moustache has to be aggressive and yet very neat and disciplined. Make sure you use good amount of beard oil even for the moustache and check out our blog about handlebar moustache for more details regarding the same.

The Female Magnet – Bandholz Beard Style For Men In 2019
The Female Magnet – Bandholz Beard Style For Men In 2019!

The beard is a bit tricky. It has to grow out with the moustache and so the trimmer is of great use in this case. You growth may also not be consistent all over your face but you must get past the awkward phase and grow out the beard entirely. Once it is thick enough the bald patches will disappear. Use good amount of beard oil every night but only after you have washed your beard clean with beard shampoo and then dried it off by combing it. This will nourish the beard all night long and also the hair growth is strongest at night.

Once the final thickness and style is achieved, you must ensure that although this is an aggressive look, the edges are very clean. Use a clear shaving gel and razor to clean shave the un-required patch of hair. Clear gel will provide you with a much better guidance. You can also alternatively keep the borders clean from the start.

Finally, the most important aspect of this style is the rugged and perfectly faulty ends of the beard. For this use your index finger and thumb to pinch out the ends of the beard throughout for a more rugged and dirty look. This is something you may have to do more than once a day to maintain the genuine style.


Garibaldi Beard -The Perfect Beard For Hunky & Muscular Men

The Garibaldi beard is strong and macho. It goes very well for men with a larger frame say for guys with height of more than 6ft. And a worked out weight or just broad body structure. This does not imply however that the style is not suitable for men with a smaller stature. In fact it will help alter you impression if you opt for this hunked out style!

The Garibaldi beard is much like the Dutch beard but with the added complimentary moustache. The moustache in question is the semi-horse shoe cum circle beard moustache. Basically it is just a very slim moustache attached to the beard without much of an angle. It is easy and also elevates your look.

As for the garibaldi beard, you require a way stronger beard growth. Check out our blog about the Bandholz beard wherein we have discussed in detail the 5 tricks that will enhance your beard growth. The same hacks can be used to enhance your moustache growth.

The Garibaldi beard style is however achieved a bit differently. This style has a rectangular bottom and to achieve this growth pattern what you need to do is work on your trimming. As your beard is growing out, it will be narrow. The tapering bottom will then start crossing your jaw line and that is when you start shaping it up for the Garibaldi beard style. At this stage, you must ensure that your neck also has a good or at least a decent beard growth. So here is when you stop trimming and shaving your neck region. This patch of beard will support your main forefront garibaldi base.

Garibaldi Beard -The Perfect Beard For Hunky & Muscular Men!

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Next you take your index finger and thumb to pinch out both ends of the beard to give it a rectangular or at least a wider base rather than a tapering one. As the beard gets longer, use a pair of scissors and comb or a trimmer to shave off the bottom of the beard in a straight line. This will get rid of the tapering patch and give you the rectangular bottom. As the beard grows, it will do so in a rectangular shape rather than a tapering one.

There is a small trick that you can use here. Once you snip off or trim off the bottom narrow patch of your beard, use some beard oil and your fingers to curl the base inwards. This will ensure your neck beard and jaw line beard are connected properly for the proper growth direction.

Once you have achieved the desired length, just use beard oil as well as mousse or wax to maintain the shape. Make sure you maintain your beard style and hygiene. Check out our 5 step daily routine for beard style maintenance for the best and most long lasting beard style.

Men who are on the heavier side of the weight machine should avoid this style as it makes them appear fuller. However, for the rest, it is a strong mature look. While college goers should not opt for this style, the others surely can go for this uber masculine style.


5 Simple Hacks To Help You Grow A Thick Beard Quickly – Grooming Tips

Growing a thick beard is difficult as it is, especially if you have a patchy uneven growth.

Here is How To Grow a Thick beard Quickly:

1) You need to start off by using quality beard oil  even in a stubble stage. Most men ignore this stage and start grooming the beard only once it starts growing out about 10 mm or more. The roots should be strengthened and nourishment should be provided in growth stage.

2) Regular trimming is very important. Men grow beards in patches more often. You need to ensure that your beard is approximately even length by regular trimming. This will help you in the awkward growing phase wherein your beard just randomly spurts out unevenly.

3) Hygiene! It is one of the most important elements which will help you grow a thick beard. You can ensure a good growth and beard strength only if the roots are strong. Your pores should not get clogged with oil or dirt and so it is important to use a mild face wash regularly.

4) Healthy diet does affect the growth. Increase protein intake in your diet.

5) You need to reduce or completely avoid vices like smoking. It just damages your skin and kills your body proteins which is essential to grow a thick beard.

Hope these 5 easy hacks help you answer –  How To Grow a Thick beard Quickly

5 Simple Hacks To Grow Thick Beard
Grooming Tips To Grow Thick Beard


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Grow a Thick beard Quickly

5 Simple & Quick Steps To Get The Full Bearded Look

Men with growing beard or a full bearded look know far too well how difficult it is to get ready every morning and do the beard right! These steps will help you set a schedule for your beard and make it effortless for you to maintain and grow a beard.

Here we have 5 steps to get the full bearded look :

Step 1:
Dampen your beard and moustache first. Make sure it’s clean. You need to start with a clean and damp beard.

Step 2:
Towel dry it. In this step it is important to remember that you should not rub your towel hard against your beard. Just brush it lightly and let it air dry while you change or have breakfast!

Step 3:
Now comb your beard, I know most men prefer to brush it but trust me on this, comb your beard and moustache. Use a wide toothed comb first and then narrow teeth.

Step 4:
Brush your hair after you comb. Brush the hair around your neck upwards if you have a full beard and the hair around your cheeks and side burns sideways. This will fluff up your beard and get rid of any moisture that may be left in, if at all. Then brush your beard down and settle it in.

Step 5:
Use beard oil to settle all your hair, nourish it and tame your beard the right way.
