Know The Difference – Beard Balm & Beard Oil

The major difference between Beard Balm and Beard Oil is that – Beard oil is a product to enhance your beard hair growth and give it a shine all day long. Beard balm on the other hand is a conditioner and sculpting product which also provides nourishment. But what are the other differences and which one should you opt for?

Here are 10 Difference between Beard Balm and Beard Oil you should know.

1. Beard oil is purely for nourishment and shine. Whereas there are two types of beard balm – sculpting for styling and shaping and conditioning which can also be used for styling as well as nourishment.

2. Beard oil does not have a very strong or long lasting hold for styling. If you like shaping up and styling your beard, beard balm will be more effective.

3. Beard oil is much lighter than your beard balm. Thus, it feels as good as no product has been applied at all. However beard balm is denser, especially sculpting balm.

4. Beard balm is long lasting and will keep the style intact all day long whereas beard oil may provide all day nourishment but may not keep up the style in wilder weather conditions.

5. Beard oil is often used in very minute quantities, only enough for a touch up. Beard balm is however used in greater quantities as it helps in styling.

6. Beard balm can be mixed with a few drops of water for easier application and to dilute it, however beard oil has to be used just as it is.

7. A beard balm usually leaves a more long lasting scent all day long as compared to the beard oil even though both contain natural scents and ingredients.

8. Beard oil is easier to remove with a single wash a compared to a beard balm. However, it also becomes easier to tame your beard the next morning if you have the balm on as it doesn’t let go of the grip.

9. For a thicker and rugged beard, beard oil is not advisable. It is difficult to control a thick beard with the help of just beard oil. Beard balm provides more grip. Also, for a short stubble or smaller beard, beard oil is a better option as beard balm makes it heavy when taming or controlling is easier and such heavy hold is not required.

10. Beard oil is all natural! It provides more nourishment than beard balm if you buy a quality product.

Basically, it is essential to own a good quality beard balm as well as beard oil. Both can be used in rotation and as per requirement. In fact you may also use both. This way oil will provide nourishment and balm will provide strength and hold.

Everything You Need To Know About The Beard Oil!

The most nourishing and friendly beard product is the beard oil. It helps to keep your beard safe from all damage and also improve the growth and density of your beard. A good quality all natural oil actually has the potential to improve your beard growth if used regularly. You have several essential oils as beard oil varieties and you must choose one that suits you best. However, just as a precautionary measure, avoid almond based oil in hot and warm weathers. Almond generates heat and you don’t need that on hot days!

Now let us understand how and when to apply beard oil:

How to apply beard oil :

Beard oil is essential nourishment product but excess will make your face oily. All you need is 1-2 drops of it in initial stage and can be increased as per the density of your beard. Make sure you apply the oil on clean and dry face. Rub some between your fingers and use your fingers to gently comb through the beard. Don’t ever use your palms and rub the beard that causes breakage! Once you are done make sure to comb your beard thoroughly to ensure it is spread evenly. And you are good to go!

When to apply beard oil :

It is to be applied when you decide to grow out your beard. From the stubble stage itself i.e. right from inception, you need to start planning your growth by light application of beard oil. You may apply it every day after bath for proper nourishment and care. Make sure you use one with natural oils.

5 Step Rules To Apply Beard Oil & Get Results In Few Days

Beard oil is what you pamper your beard with. It helps you maintain your beard and also strengthens it. However, there is a technique on how to apply beard oil that can guarantee you the best results.

A 5 step Rule on How To Apply Beard Oil efficiently –

1. You need to start with a clean face, which means after a bath or at least a proper face wash. You cannot start with a dirty face. Make sure the face is really clean and also dry.

2. Now for a regular beard what you need to do is take few drops of the beard oil depending upon the thickness and growth, but ideally 3-4 drops is just fine. Rub it across both your palms and then brush it against your cheeks but from bottom to top. This way you will not only be able to ensure full coverage but also nourish your roots. It will help avoid flakes and strengthen your growth.

3. If you have a longer beard, the most advisable way on how to apply beard oil is that you should start off with rubbing a few drops between your fingers and using your fingers to comb the hair that hangs below your jawline from top to bottom. This motion should be repeated from behind as well i.e. to nourish the hair near the neck. Once this is done you may follow the steps as in point 2 for the rest of the beard.

4. Make sure you nourish even your side burns and all other areas, especially where you lack growth.

5. Use a small toothed comb to comb your beard for ensuring even distribution and full coverage.

7 Important Things That You Need To Know About A Beard Oil

Beard oil is essentially a beard product. It is nourishing oil for your hard earned beard that compliments growth and look.

Here are 7 important things that you need to know about a beard oil.

1.Beard oil is used in very small quantities, usually just 3-4 drops for a medium growth and more as per the beard.

2. It may be used for shaping up and styling as well. Since its oil, it doesn’t disappear in bad weather conditions as well and nourishes your beard longer.

3. It ensures you don’t develop any flakes around the skin covered with your beard also known as ‘beard dandruff’, by maintaining moisture and nourishment.

4. It smells good and the scent often lingers all day long. You should own a great smelling oil as it is the scent you will carry around all day long.

5. It can be effectively utilized for your moustache as well for nourishment and styling instead of moustache wax.

6. It is light weight and disappears into your beard. You will not be left feeling sticky all day long.

7. It improves the growth and also makes the roots stronger ensuring you do not go through hair fall especially since we understand how difficult it is to grow out a beard!