5 Reasons Why You Should Go For A Clean Shave!

Clean shaven look is still the most popular look amongst the two types of people that you are always trying to impress – your boss and women. If that isn’t incentive enough for you to try on this look, here are 5 reasons why you should go for this look!

1) It exudes confidence. This look is considered to be a confident and trustworthy look. That is because your bearded look can alter your face structure, cover your acne or blemishes, but this look is an honest and open look. It is a sign of confidence and honesty thus people are attracted to the clean shaven look. Psychologically, it symbolizes self-confidence.

2) This look is actually the most hygienic of them all. It is surely hygienic to not have to worry about the hygiene aspect at all if you do not have facial hair. If you have facial hair your need to apply beard oil or gel that attracts a lot of dust and dirt and eventually makes your face unhygienic. All of this is avoided completely in when you opt for a clean shaven look!

3) If you have a face structure to die for, just as well flaunt it! Sharp jawlines and flawless facial features should be flaunted and not covered up under facial hair. You can flaunt your natural features best in a clean shaven look!

4) Beards are so demanding! You need a million beard products and lots of daily grooming and styling. It isn’t just about growing out a beard because you need to groom it and master the styling techniques. Even after that, you need to maintain the style on a daily basis by regular trimming because your facial hair will grow out each day and you have to trim it regularly for maintaining the style. It requires a lot of care and protection with the help of beard products like beard oil, gel, wax, mousse etc. Clean shaven look just requires your shaving foam and razor or just your trimmer based on what you prefer. Just shave it all out and you’re done. Sure you need to keep it trim regularly but that’s much more manageable than keeping it perfectly styled and groomed regularly!

5) Finally, it is much more comfortable without a beard. Beards can get itchy and uncomfortable. Especially when it is hot, beards can get really uncomfortable. The best look at such a time is clean shaven. It is much easier to manage and let’s face it, you all enjoy the smooth clean face!

Although beards are love and attract a lot of attention, if you do not have a strong growth or have a hectic professional life, just go clean shaven. That is the most popular look amongst women and you must do what makes you most comfortable with your face!


11 Reasons Why The Clean Shaven Look Is A Female Charmer

The clean shave has always been in fashion and even so today when beards are all men talk about. This look is for the men with a professional lifestyle to balance along as well and also the men who love to sustain hygiene perspective. Also, the clean shaven look is perfect for the men with a strong jaw line who love to leave behind a good impression and exude confidence be it on a job interview or on a date!

11 Reasons To Love The Clean Shaven Look

This look has always been a female charmer and here are 11 reasons why.


15 Hairstyles For The Clean Shaven Look

The pompadour and comb over haircut are on the casual end of this look while the Ivy League hair cut is for your professional avatar. Check out these perfect hairstyles for your clean shaven and confident looks.

15 Hairstyles For The Clean Shaven Look

This look is more like a style statement and the perfect hairstyle will ensure your lack of beard is barely noticeable and well made up for!


Clean Shaven – A Beard Style ?

Clean Shaven Look basically means a face devoid of facial hair i.e. a beard. Then what is so special about this look that most women prefer men to be clean shaven. Read on to understand what the aspects of a clean shaven face are!

To begin with, you need to first clean shave your beard entirely and reduce the size of your sideburns to at least medium length of not short. If you have a long face, keep it medium but otherwise you must keep it short. The width of your sideburns should be not more than 1.5 – 2cms depending upon the width of your face.

Next aspect to consider is the moustache. While the Clean Shaven Look implies absolutely no moustache as well, some men take the liberty of keeping a moustache. In that case, keep your moustache slim. Fat moustaches are not a part of clean shaven look.

Maintaining a clean shaven style is more demanding than you would imagine. You need to make sure you don’t grow out odd stubbles over your face or a trace of moustache if you are going for no moustache look. You need to make sure that you are clean shaven at all times and use a great smelling after shave compulsorily. After shave is an absolute must after each shave! Shaving foam smell is not the most attractive feature in a man. Also, you need to keep your nose hair and ear hair OFF THE GROUND! You must make sure you do not have visible nasal or ear hair.

It is very important to maintain facial hygiene when you are clean shaven because any acne breakout will be very much visible. There won’t be any beard to cover it up. Drink lots of water and wash your face regularly to keep it oil free. Use a good quality sun screen. It will protect your face from tanning and reddening.

This look is sharp and compliments men with confidence. Also, it is the only option that professionals who work in a strict work environment are left out with. It is important to be absolutely mentally prepared before shaving off your beard entirely because it takes several months of patience and hard work to grow out a beard. Also when you decide to grow out a beard again, you need to start off by applying beard oil regularly in just a very small quantity (1-2drops). The initial beard growth phase after a clean shave is awkward but worth it.


If this is not what you looking for then, this is what you should look next -

6 Quick Ways to Grow a Fuller Beard

Effortless Ways To Grow a Beard

Why Do You Need A Clear Shaving Gel?

Shaving gel is a gel that you apply on your face and/ or neck before you start shaving with a razor. The gel has a lathery effect and softens the hair for easy motion and quick shave. It also prevents cuts and roughness. Quality shaving gels also provide moisture.

A clear shaving gel is colourless and not lathery. It does not form any lather. You just apply it on your face and neck like a regular gel. You cannot even see it, so how does it make shaving easier?

What a gel does is that it instantly controls your facial hair, it is thick and so your beard comes under complete control and settles down. This is when you can easily identify the actual length and edges of the beard. You can identify any rogue hair and also define the shape of your beard. It is clear and thus all you see is the settled in hair. Your regular shaving cream/ gel or foam lathers white and is alright for clean shave but when you need styling and definite edges, it is impossible to identify how your blade is moving under the white foam!