Identify The Perfect Beard Style For Your Face Shape!

Beards can help accentuate your best features and at the same time can also help to cover up or make up for your insecurities. Different styles represent different age groups and also the overall look of a person. Here is the beard guide for different face structures. Thicker beards are more so for the mature men and similarly the scantier styles are for younger college going men!

Identify The Perfect Beards For Your Face Shape

1) Beard For Round Face Shape

Your facial structure is round with more weight around the cheeks and also a rather rounded jaw line. For this kind of a face structure, you must opt for styles that will elongate your face and help alter the appearance of your jawline. French fork and ducktail in the medium sized beards are the two most effortless styles to alter your facial structure. You can try a sharp van dyke or an imperial beard style if your hair growth is not as strong or you have issues at work. However if you like thick beards, you can opt for the Verdi style. Chose the beard based on your hair growth and professional lifestyle.

2) Beard For Square Face Shape

For this particular facial structure, some men prefer to make their face appear softer with the help of rounder appearance or accentuate the sharpness further. A circle beard and a full beard are good options if you wish to soften your appearance but if you wish to accentuate your edgy look you must opt for van dyke, imperial or even stubbles.

3) Beard For Diamond Shape/Flawless Jawline

For this kind of a face structure it is essential to highlight your flawless jawline! Goatee, extended goatee, imperial, French fork and stubble will do you wonders. You can easily opt even for a clean shaven look with a nice handlebar moustache and you are good to go. Here the effort must be to accentuate your face structure and not hide it. If you have defined cheekbones as well you can even opt for a thicker beard like the bandholz that will highlight your cheekbones.

4) Beard For Oval Face shape

If your face structure is oval, you are truly a versatile beard guru! You can try several styles to identify your personal best but almost all beard styles will suit you. Even the ones which do not suit you will not leave behind a bad look. Bandholz, dutch and garibaldi are your fierce beard options. Van Dyke and Imperial will suit you just as well as a circle beard, ducktail beard and French fork.

The final decision has to be made based on beard growth and lifestyle as well. also, it is important to maintain the beard so you must opt for thicker or high maintenance beards only if you have the time to maintain it well.


5 Reasons You Need A Perfectly Styled Beard – Beard Styling Tips

Beard is the look of the year and will continue to be for generations to come simply because beard styling is an elegant style statement.

Let us learn the Importance of Beard Styling

1. It gives your face a definite structure with the help of different styles and edges. You can potentially change your appearance almost entirely with the help of styling.

2. If you style it right, you can carry off a patchy or scanty beard growth like a pro! A great example would be Johnny Depp!

3. It helps you manage and maintain your beard. Beard styling is not just about growth but proper maintenance.

4. For men who love beards but their professional life restricts them from growing out a thick beard can opt for styles that will be acceptable at work.

5. Well if you growing out a beard, just as well do it in the most elegant manner possible. Even out of bed look and rugged look require a hand to perfect it!

5 Reasons You Need Beard Styling Tips
Learn The Importance Of Beard Styling

5 Steps To Quickly Shape Your Long Beard In Style!

The most commonly asked questions remains to be – How to shape a long beard? Well shaping a beard is easy and it is important to start with basics and practice your way to the top.

Here is a step wise guide on how to shape a long beard in 5 quick steps.

1. You should start with a clean beard which basically means a nicely shampooed and well maintained beard which is trimmed at least every 3-4 days depending on your growth.

2. The washed and wet beard should then be combed using narrow teeth comb to understand the exact shape and also clear out knots.

3. Shape your beard using a good quality trimmer and use a good razor to shave off the excess. Once you finish, don’t forget to use after shave for the clear areas and beard oil for your beard.

4. Beard mousse or moustache oil can be used to add density and ensure that your beard remains put. For instance if you have a rounder face and wish to flatten your sideburns you can use beard wax or mousse or moustache wax. Take some on your fingers and apply using pressure in a downward direction over your side burns. Beard mousse helps to not only style but also works like a hair spray without the chemicals and roughness.

5. Final step is to maintain the beard by regular trimming and shaping with scissors. Also, experimenting as per your face structure.

Quick Tips For Shaping Long Beard
5 Step Guide To Shape Long Beard