The 5 Step Beard Maintenance Program Every Bearded Guy Must Follow!

Beard styling is all about class, elegance and style statement. Beard grab you the much deserved lime light and also set you apart from most men. They give you your own unique look as well as the freedom to style your beard as per your own preference. However, although men learn how to master the style efficiently, they often lack in the maintenance department and then suddenly find themselves looking rather odd after a few days of owning the style. This 5 step routine will help you maintain your style on a daily basis and ensure you do not spoil the hard earned style statement.

The 5 Step Beard Maintenance Program!

  • Step 1

The first step is to obtain your beard style. This can be achieved with a reasonable beard and moustache growth along with proper trimming skills. It is important to be good with trimmers as well as scissors because for certain precise and complex styles, scissors give a better finishing than trimmers. Make sure all your beard tools are in order, clean and well-kept. Once this is achieved you commence the maintenance aspect.

  • Step 2

The second step is beard hygiene. The beard and moustache are facial aspects and thus it is very important to keep both clean. You must wash your beard and moustache every night at least. It is important to get rid of all beard products and dirt if at all as well as sweat before you are off to bed. Also make sure you do not go to bed with a wet beard because that will be absolutely unmanageable the next morning. You need to comb it dry. Ideally you must wash your beard and moustache more than just once a day but if that is not possible a shampoo wash each night and a rinse wash every morning is also acceptable.

  • Step 3

The third step is beard nourishment. You have to keep your beard as well as moustache well nourished at all times. The nourishment not only helps grow your beard stronger but also keeps it strong against breakage. You must use natural beard oil for the same. Such beard oil helps nourish and at the same time can also provide you with some basic grip for styling. It also makes your beard appear thicker because of the increased consistency. But it is shiny so it is advisable to not over use the product.

  • Step 4

Step 4 is to trim your beard everyday and clean shave around the beard style once in 3 days. Trimming on a daily basis helps to ensure that the length of the beard is consistent and since all beard styles are more or less very precise regarding the shape, it is necessary to clean shave the patches on your face that do not form a part of your style to ensure that your style is not lost.

  • Step 5

The final step is combing and brushing your beard and moustache regularly. You must always carry a beard moustache around and brush your beard well at least twice a day. This not only helps to make the beard manageable and clean but combing is like massaging and thus makes your beard stronger and shinier. It ensures your beard remains manageable.

Step-By-Step Beard Maintenance Program
5 Step Maintenance Guide For Bearded Men

5 Simple & Easy Step Guide To Get The Perfect Beard – Beard Trimming Guide

Beard trimmers are an important tool in the beard kit simply because that is the only professional help that we get at home! It is a one time investment so make sure you invest in one with multiple uses and adjusting blade for shave. Here are the steps for beard trimming:

Here are the Steps for Beard Trimming:

1) Start off with a nice clean beard. You may want to do this right after a bath but make sure you shampoo the beard.

2) Let you beard air dry to some extent and then brush it upwards. Comb it downwards. This will help you understand the shape of your beard when it’s dry and then trim accordingly. Don’t trim a completely wet beard ever!

3) The next step is to set the blade to a closer or less close trim from 1-5 as per the style you are going for.

4) Begin with your sideburns, followed by your cheeks, neck and then finally the chin. Keep changing the setting as per your beard and style.

5) Wipe your beard with a cloth or just brush once to get rid of any trimmed in hair and then check the look. Make alterations if required using the same technique.



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5 Simple (& Easy) Steps for Beard Trimming

A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Growing A Circle Beard:

A circle beard is not a shape that can be acquired naturally. Your facial hair will never grow in the shape of a circle beard. What you need to remember is that you need a good hair growth around your chin and also a nice moustache. Circle beard is characterized by a nice thick moustache! That is the charm of this look!

Step 1: Grow out a nice medium beard with good thickness and length. This can be achieved by ensuring that your face is oil free and clean as much as possible. Natural beard oil is also very handy for improving the growth. Also, you require good trimming skills because it is all about the maintenance.

Step 2: Start growing out your stubble into a beard. At first, it is advisable to let the beard grow out a bit before you start shaping and trimming.

Step 3: At a length of about 1mm, you can start with shaping the beard. You will first need to mark the circular region of action. It is advisable to take professional help for first few tries as this shape is very hard to master.

Step 4: Trim around the edges of the marking very neatly, efficiently and patiently.

Step 5: Clean up and give the final touches by trimming out excess beard completely; leaving behind just the circular beard joined to your moustache.

Heavy Full Circle Beard Style For Men
Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Trimming A Circle Beard:

Trimming a circle beard is very important aspect of the circle beard. This is because in this look, it is advisable to not allow stubble to grow in. Many looks do well with stubble however this is not one of those looks as it has a character of its own.

For trimming, you will need a good pair of scissors and an excellent trimmer with shave adjustments that can indicate the closeness of shave.

Step 1: With the help of your scissors, first get rid of any excess or crooked hair in your moustache that sticks out and cannot be settled in.

Step 2: Trim the excess beard hair off your face as it grows out and a clean shave is the most ideal situation for rest of the face.

Step 3: Set the trimmer to a milder setting and trim over the moustache and beard simultaneously to ensure that the length for both remains the same. This is a very important point as hair grows out randomly and it is very important to maintain a uniform length for the look!

Circle Beard With Connected Sideburns
Circle Beard With A Disconnected mustache

Trimming regularly will ensure that your look lasts well and also very long.

A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Extended Circle Beard
A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain A Circle Beard

Maintaining A Circle Beard:

Maintaining the beard comprises of nourishment, hygiene and growth aspects of it. Some men love a full grown thick beard and this can be achieved with the help of essential beard oils especially in coconut flavor. Such natural oils give your hair a strong character, good texture and also improve growth!

Another important aspect to remember is that growth of hair is stunted if the pores on the face are blocked by oil and dirt. Thus, so one must regularly keep washing the face and keep it clean.

Combing and managing really helps improve growth and maintain a beard as it gets thicker. In this case the moustache is connected to the circle beard and thus as it is growing out before the beard, one must ensure that the moustache is shaped downwards from both ends accordingly. Regular combing also helps with maintenance.


A Complete Guide To Grow, Trim & Maintain The Van Dyke Beard

Van Dyke Beard is a classic and vintage look that belongs to ancient Europe and thus it is of utmost importance to style this look with efficiency, elegance and precision. This look is very attractive and also these steps will help you master the style entirely.

Growing The Van Dyke Beard

Van Dykes is a look for thicker beard although men with patchy growth can also carry off this look. But there must be a good basic moustache and a goatee to work with. For this you need to nourish your beard with the help of natural oils and also keep your face clean at all times. Oiliness prevents beard growth. Also, it is advisable to regularly trim the beard to maintain shape and keep the rest of your face clean shaven.

For this look, it is not advisable to grow the beard in a Van Dyke. Rather grow out a normal beard up to perhaps 3mm length. Then trim it in to a Van Dyke by trimming around the edges of your preferred shape. The rest of your face should be clean shaven.

However, in most cases you might not be able to grow out such a thick beard as you may have a job or any other kind of restriction. In that case what you can do is grow out up to say 1mm and then shape it into a circle beard. Then you let the circle beard grow in and keep the rest of your face clean shaven. Once you achieve the length of 2.5-3mm, you can then start shaping your circle beard into a Van Dyke.

This style is suitable for men with a patchy or scanty growth as well because there is not set size, length or thickness of the goatee. Also, the moustache can be narrow to some extent. So it is ideal for men with a patchy or scanty growth too. Thus, growing out a beard does not mean an even and thick layer of 2-3mm but just a general patch cover around the chin area and a decent moustache.

Trimming The Van Dyke Beard

Trimming the Van Dyke can be done in stages. You can either start from a full beard or a circle beard. Anchor beards, Hollywoodian and several such beard styles can also be transformed into a Van Dyke. This is because there is not set length or thickness that should be followed. It just comprises of a narrow goatee along the chin, vertically and a moustache.

The basic things to keep in mind are that the rest of your face should be clean shaven for the full force attack of the Van Dyke. Also, the area on your neck and lower chin should specifically be shaven off as this may eventually spoil the shape of the goatee. The moustache should be narrow towards both ends and may or may not be long. It can be curled up or set down based on the length and the look that you opt for.

Here are the basic steps:

1) Start off with a nice clean face. Make sure your wash your face and beard clean with shampoo and dry it off before you begin

2) Brush your hair upwards first to get rid of any knots. Then use a comb to comb the beard down properly and understand the growth of your beard.

3) Identify the desired shape of your Van dyke and trace along an imaginary line that will mark the borders. It is always a better option to first form a circle beard and then trim it further. Even a roughly circular beard will do.

4) Consider both ends of your lower lip and trim out a small triangular part. Using that as the base, detach your moustache and your goatee. Some men prefer to keep it attached and just get rid of the triangular patch. That works fine too. It is a variation in the Van Dyke and looks equally cool.

5) Use scissors to snip off any loose or rogue hair popping out of your moustache or beard.

6) Shape the moustache as per your growth. You can keep it thick if your goatee is also a bit thick and if your goatee is scanty, it is best to keep the moustache also narrow.

Maintenance Of Van Dyke Beard

This look is less demanding than a circle beard because there is no set shape, size or length. It can be molded as per your convenience. Thus, when we talk about the maintenance aspect it comprises of the following:

1) Trimming the goatee and moustache regularly to ensure that the length remains consistent. It is very important that the moustache and goatee match. If either is thicker than the other, it goes off balance.

2) Apart from the goatee and the moustache, the face should be clean shaven. This is very important considering that clean shave will ensure your Van Dyke is in the spot light.

3) The neck should by clean shaven. The goatee can be long and cross the jawline but the neck should be clean shaven.

4) It is important to ensure that the goatee and moustache are combed at regular intervals during the day or you might end up with rogue hair poking out and spoiling the style of the Van Dyke.

5) Beard oil and beard wax can be used to shape up the moustache to make sure both ends are narrow and even the goatee is tapered downwards. Some men prefer a more rectangular goatee but Van Dyke is essentially a tapering goatee. If you like the vintage look, it should be narrow at the bottom.

Van Dyke is stylish and also easy to master. It brings out the mature but mischievous sex appeal which women love and carries a classic and royal air around it.


7 Steps To Get A Perfectly Trimmed Beard – Beard Trimming Guide

Beard growing, beard grooming, beard products and beard styling. These are the top 4 topics about bearding that every man must know. However what is the one element that brings together all 4? Beard trimming! Beard trimming is essentially the tool that helps you with your awkward phase of growing out a beard as well as when you have a grown beard but need to style it right or when you need to efficiently use the beard products in a way as to get the desired look! It helps you manage the look and style your beard. It helps you make your beard appear thicker as well as helps you look your personal best by making you understand your face shape for selecting the perfect style and growth pattern!

Beard trimming is a tool that comes handy from the day you start growing out a stubble. This is because ideally a stubble needs to have some sharp boundaries especially around the cheek area. And for that purpose your trimming skills are vital. Also it helps you bring to reality the style of your dreams by understanding your face shape and opting for the trim accordingly! It is the sole inspiration behind beard trimmers, scissors, combs and other such bearding tools!

Let us understand how Beard Trimming works. Here are the steps for Beard Trimming:

1) Wash you face clean and let it air dry.

2) Use a brush to fluff it up if you have a thick beard and then settle it down with a comb so you understand what your beard will look like.

3) Once you have studied your facial hair, next step is to identify the desired style and start moving in the direction. You can start off with scissors if you have thicker beard or a trimmer or razor as per your convenience.

4) It is advisable to use a clear gel while shaving or trimming so that you can clearly identify where your hands are moving and what shape is forming.

5) Finally you should ensure that you do not work hastily or when tired. Alert mind is very important to avoid cuts and injuries. Also it is precautionary to keep a bottle of antiseptic and some cotton around in case of an emergency.

Trimming a beard is a very important art that every man must master. The only way to do it right is to follow step wise instructions for any beard style and also being very cautious while trimming. The area of operation is your face and thus it is very important to do so with a fresh and alert mind as well as a clear knowledge and understanding about what you desire and how you wish to achieve it!


3 Easy Beard Grooming Hacks You Must Know In 2020

Grooming your beard largely depends on what final look do you desire? Your first trick is to first plan out your final look in phases. Start off with the most basic in beard grooming – gently push your beard in and downwards. This is to ensure that it doesn’t just poke out all over your face and mess with your face shape. Beards can very well make you look fat! So it is important to tame your beard, especially around the side burns!

The next trick for proper beard grooming is to identify a celebrity who has a face shape similar to yours. Once you do find that celebrity google all of his bearded looks. You will get a rough idea of a beard style that suits your face best and groom your beard accordingly. You need to start from scratch and work on your beard from day one if you want amazing results!

Stubble is your stage 1 of beard growing and grooming. You need to make sure that the length of all the hair on your stubble is uniform with the help of a beard trimmer. This is the third and most important trick. You need to get grooming from day one and not once all your beard hair is out, because then it’s just too late to tame it.

Select the best Beard style with Search By Image Process

Selecting an awesome beard style is now so easy with a search image tool.  Through the process of reverse photo lookup, you can get all the information about how you can groom your beard and how you can maintain it as per your desired style. Proper bread grooming becomes so easy with the help of an image finder.

Learn The Importance Of Beard Styling
5 Reasons You Need Beard Styling Tips

2 Easy Beard Styling Hacks You Must Not Miss

1. Try long beard styles if you are shaving your overgrown beard and try short beard styles when you are trying to grow it out!

For instance when you are growing a beard start with basic stubble, designer stubble, van dyke (short, medium and finally long), full beard (trimmed), full beard in the same order as your hair grows.

Once you decide to shave, starting with the full beard leading to full beard kastro, van dyke (long, medium and finally short), French beard, goatee and finally the petit goatee.

This way you can try on almost every popular look and decide which style suits you best as your beard grows or as you trim it instead of growing it out each time to try particular styles.

2. Another trick is to find a celebrity whose face shape resembles yours. Although it may or may not be a 100% match but close resemblance will work as well.

For instance Justin Timberlake has a heart shaped face while Brad Pitt has a square shaped face. Johnny Depp is more diamond shaped. You will easily find images of such actors in several looks which will help you estimate the beard shape that suits you best.

Styling Hacks For Bearded Men
2 Easy Beard Styling Hacks

3 Beard Grooming Mistakes Every Men Must Avoid

Grooming is the art of managing your beard right, taking care of it and treating it the way it deserves to be.

These are the 3 common beard grooming mistakes that can be easily avoided and should be!

1) Maintain your beard and moustache! Don’t let there be flyaways and hair just poking out randomly. Even a scruffy beard needs to be brushed down. You need not comb it and wax it to perfection but you must make an effort to tame it down a bit and comb it to ensure it’s not all over the place.

2) Maintaining the stubble length is very important. That is the whole point of stubble! Use a nice trimmer and while you’re at it lets also get rid of the nose, ear hair and the unibrow please! Tweezing unibrow is not feminine. A unibrow or thick bushy eyebrow sens negative signals as per several researches and therefore it is more than just a grooming perspective to keep your wild eyebrows under control.

3) Hairy neck! I know it’s hard to reach right at the back so take help of someone but keep it clean. You can’t see it but the rest of us surely can!

How to groom beard
3 Beard Grooming Mistakes To Avoid
Grooming Mistakes Bearded Men Should Avoid
beard grooming mistakes
best beard grooming guide
Beard grooming steps

Tips To Fix A Patchy Beard In No Time! – Beard Grooming Guide

Facial hair has the tendency to grow out at different speed and lengths. You will often come across a situation where one part of your face say around your chin or your side burns are scanty and patchy. We often don’t know how to fix a patchy beard.In this case it is important to understand that this is the most common condition for beard growth. This situation should never discourage you from growing out a beard. You need to understand that in 2-3 months your growth will be much more definitive and you will be able to cover the less thick patches with thicker patches.


Let us however consider that even after a few months your patchiness does not grow out and we still wonder how to fix a patchy beard. In this case the ideal look will be a tame beard i.e. a shorter beard like a designer stubble or short Van Gogh depending on the patchiness. Johnny Depp also has a patchy beard growth and you will often notice him sport a stylish look that goes well despite the patchy growth. James Franco also sports facial hair in a very fashionable style.


There is a beard style for almost every look and you can easily find one that matches your patchiness. For instance, guys who do not get hair around the cheeks can sport a goatee and a smart moustache. Guys who do not grow out a moustache can opt for designer stubble. Make the best of your beard!


Extraordinary Ways Maintain Your Beard Like Never Before

So once the hair have long gone from inside your body to the external – you gotta do a lot to maintain a beard. The largest drawback I see with men is that they shampoo the beard daily. This will likely strip out all of the natural oils your facial hair wishes. This may occasionally leave the hair frizzy and susceptible to split ends and breakage.

So How to Maintain A Beard Like Never Before ?

In my opinion we should shampoo the beard once a week and will condition it a few times per week. The conditioner is used to soften up the hair. Practice it to a humid beard to hold the moisture in.

With a larger beard you can also want to blow dry it to dry it out – in case you do that, attempt to keep the warmth on a medium atmosphere and the fan at a low or medium. Blow drying on excessive heat at high velocity is a different device for beard hair destruction. I’ve two combs that i use – the wide tooth comb is for the beard, and the smaller typical comb is for the mustache.

If you wish to maintain a beard or style it, that you may observe some product. Most hair products in the market will help with taming the beard. I’ll apply it when my beard continues to be moist and let it dry out. As soon as dry i will brush it and comb it to ensure it has the average seem. For a handle bar mustache or some thing extra stylized it is going to be nice to go with a mustache wax. Try varying levels of product to get your desired look and to maintain your beard.

how to maintain your beard in 2019
how to nurture your beard