6 Proven Tips For Growing a Fuller Beard!

We will address the guys who have experienced “beard envy”. This is basically a term for the guys who do not enjoy the growth spurt and wish they had some facial hair to flaunt a fuller beard as well.

Here are the 6 Proven tips for fuller beard

1. Make sure your face is oil-free at all times. Carry wet-wipes and keep washing your face. Oil blocks your pores and thus prevents your beard from growing out!

2. If you have never really grown a full beard, you need 4-5 or even 6 months depending on your hormones. So you need to start in advance. An easy hack is that summer is great for hair growth while winter is not so much. So well if you want to grow your beard faster start from summer.

3. Once you do start growing a beard and moustache, remember that moustache is comparatively easier. For the first few months, it is advisable to expect more out of your moustache than your beard.

4. Now as for your moustache, the first month will be really awkward. It you are working or just prefer to keep your upper lip clean shaven, your first attempt at growing a moustache will be ‘awkward’. You will have scanty hair and look just right in the middle of puberty! But let it grow out. Do not shave it off! Do not trim! Eventually you will get a thicker and fuller moustache!

5. You need an expert trimmer. Basically you need to trim the regions that grow hair faster to match your adamant patches. Consistency is the key.

6. Remember that while your genes may not support a full on classic beard, you may as well aim for a nice stubble and basic moustache. Your beard will grow out in patches. This is something that every man experiences! However, the good news is that if you manage to strive through your awkward-patchy phase you will grow enough hair even in your patches, for elegant and suave stubble.


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6 Proven Tips For Growing a Full Beard
Fuller Beard - 6 Tips Unveiled
6 Useful Tips For Fuller Beard

4 Unidentified Beard Growing Stages You Must be Knowing

Here are 4 Unidentified Beard Growing Stages every bearded men should know about:

These looks are in an descending order from a full thick beard to a very professional daily look:

1. The classic style is a nice thick moustache curled upwards and a long beard. But this is not a very practical look if you have a strict job.

2. Men can opt for a fuller moustache and just a basic beard that evenly covers your face. To get that kind of an even growth, regularly comb your hair downwards with a nice clean comb kept aside only for your beard and moustache. And as for the fuller moustache, what you need is to cover your upper and maybe even part of your lower lip with moustache. That length will help you create the classic moustache.

3. For this look, you can carry off a nice strategic style that coincides with the growth of your beard. For e.g. if you have a nice growth around your chin, go for a van dyke.

4. The designer stubble is the most basic phase of beard growth. You simply need an excellent trimmer to ensure the length throughout your face is even and style as per your personal choice.



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4 Beard Growing phases

7 Beard Grooming Tools Every Bearded Man Should Own!

A great beard requires a tonne of stylists. At least that’s how the celebrities get it right!

So let’s list down our pocket friendly stylists for the perfect Beard Grooming Tools:

Let’s start off in your bathroom. When you go in for a bath, every third day or as often as you decide depending on your beard type, shampoo your beard with a good beard shampoo. You may or may not use a conditioner depending on your preference.

On days that you do not shampoo, make sure you rinse it well, making water your third stylist. Once it is clean, still wet, comb it downwards using a narrow or wide toothed comb. This will get rid of any unwanted knots specially in case of a fuller beard. You can also use a beard brush or both.

A 6th important stylist is the beard oil. It not only nourishes your beard but also smells real good. Just a few drops and you are good to go. Also, it is really relaxing for the face to apply beard oil. You may warm it up a little by keeping it on your window sill, under the sun.

The last important stylist is beard wax/butter/mousse. This stylist is the final step in beard grooming and will help you bring together the whole look. You also have beard trimmers, razor, shaving foam, after shave etc.

But these are the top 7 beard grooming tools to get you groomed up for the day!

2 Easy Beard Styling Hacks You Must Not Miss

1. Try long beard styles if you are shaving your overgrown beard and try short beard styles when you are trying to grow it out!

For instance when you are growing a beard start with basic stubble, designer stubble, van dyke (short, medium and finally long), full beard (trimmed), full beard in the same order as your hair grows.

Once you decide to shave, starting with the full beard leading to full beard kastro, van dyke (long, medium and finally short), French beard, goatee and finally the petit goatee.

This way you can try on almost every popular look and decide which style suits you best as your beard grows or as you trim it instead of growing it out each time to try particular styles.

2. Another trick is to find a celebrity whose face shape resembles yours. Although it may or may not be a 100% match but close resemblance will work as well.

For instance Justin Timberlake has a heart shaped face while Brad Pitt has a square shaped face. Johnny Depp is more diamond shaped. You will easily find images of such actors in several looks which will help you estimate the beard shape that suits you best.

Styling Hacks For Bearded Men
2 Easy Beard Styling Hacks