Reasons Unveiled: All You Need To Know About Moustache Comb!

Moustache is a style statement! Especially for men who grow out a patchy or scanty beard, your moustache can help you enjoy the look. However, moustache is right over your lips and thus you need moustache comb as it is important to maintain it. 

What is a moustache comb and why do you need it?

A moustache comb is essentially a tiny comb, barely the size of your index finger with narrow teeth. You need to comb your moustache right before a trim to identify the shape and excess hair. You also need to comb it after applying oil or wax to ensure that it has spread evenly. A comb may also be used to separate the moustache at the centre and comb it in opposite directions to achieve the desired look.

A regular comb that you use to comb your hair is unhygienic and should never be used for even your beard, let alone a moustache. The beard comb is often used however for men who use separate moustache wax with natural ingredients rather than a beard wax for the moustache, will definitely understand why you need a separate comb.

A moustache comb is tiny and will easily fit in your wallet; also it is inexpensive and helps you style your moustache as well as trim it with utmost precision.

5 Reasons You Need A Beard Comb Right Now! Beard Grooming Tips

A beard comb is a life saver for men who love beards.

Here are the top five reasons to own a good beard comb!

1) It is unhygienic to use your hair comb for your face as hair is dirty, sticky and you wouldn’t want that on your face. A separate comb ensures hygiene.

2) This comb may have both narrow and wide teeth for removing knots as well as taming the beard. It is sturdy but at the same time the teeth have blunt and curved edges to ensure that you do not hurt your face or scratch in the process.

3) It is essential for even application of beard oil or wax. Once you apply the product you can comb to ensure that the product reaches your root and every part of the beard properly for best results!

4) A beard comb is small and handy. You can easily fit it in your wallet and you are good to go. It is also not very expensive.

5) A beard comb comes handy for men who use scissors to trim the beard. You need to use a comb to identify and separate the excess hair using a comb and you can easily snip it off with a great pair of scissors.

The most important aspect is respect for you beard and proper maintenance. A beard comb will help you control and manage your beard with ease.

7 Basic Beard Products To Complete Your The Perfect Beard Tool Kit

Growing a beard is a task and beard maintenance is not a cake walk either! However with the help of right beard products you can simplify this task. It is easier to grow and maintain a beard confidently. It is possible to alter the look by simply using the appropriate beard grooming products as per requirement!

beard grooming products

There are 7 basic beard products that form the perfect beard tool-kit to meet all requirements and provide you :

1. Beard Trimmers

Trimmers help you maintain the length of your beard and also style it professionally.

2. Beard Scissors

Scissors are usually considered as alternate option for trimming. However they are required to trim out excess or unruly hair that even trimmer cannot get hold of.

3. Beard Brush

This brush helps bring thick beards under control and also massage for improving growth.

4. Beard wax

Wax is used for styling. It can be used to adopt any style and set the facial hair.

5. Beard oil

It provides nourishment for stronger and thicker growth.

6. Beard Comb

Comb helps give the perfection and finesse. It is as important as the brush.

7. Razor / Shaving foam / After-shave –

Shaving kit comes in handy for clean shaving or a style with clean shave. Beard lovers may not like shaving kit but it helps adopt styles like goatee or van dyke or even chin strap.

7 Things That You Need To Know About A Beard Comb!

This article is dedicated to the men that just use their regular hair comb for the beard – Please, just stop! Your hair combs are unhygienic and just size appropriate for your hairstyling! When it comes to beard we introduce you to – the beard comb.

7 Things you should know about the beard comb!

1. The beard comb is usually a palm sized comb with rounder edges that is used for combing your beard only.

2. Occasionally you may use it for your moustache but your fingers are good enough for the moustache on a daily basis. The purpose of this comb is to cater to all the needs of your beard.

3. It helps detangle, spread the beard oil or beard balm evenly, style and even dry out the beard.

4. It helps you tame your beard and also makes sure you don’t end up using you haircomb for your beard. Your beard is on your face! You need to keep the area extremely hygienic guys!

5. Ideally start off with a wet beard after a bath. Combing upwards will help you fluff beard for trimming or nourishing.

6. It also helps for drying out. Combing downwards will help you tame it, bring it in a certain style and trimming as well depending on how you wish to trim it.

7. Apart from this combing helps you keep the beard nice and clean.

5 Products To Enhance Beard Growth

Here are 5 Products to enhance beard growth & will help you grow out a fuller and healthier beard.

1. Coconut based hair mousse or hair wax is helpful. It may or may not affect your growth, but it will make your beard look thicker because it increases the density and makes your facial hair look darker.

2. A good quality hair trimmer which can be adjusted for a closer shave or a clean and sharp razor and scissors for men who do not like trimmers. However, trimmer can give you the best precision.

3. Beard oil is a must to increase hair growth and also for nourishment.

4. Good quality beard brush that is not very harsh on your beard. This will help you maintain the beard as it gets thicker.

5. An adequate quality beard comb helps you style a fuller beard with more precision.

We recommend you to read this-

5 Simple (& Easy) Steps for Beard Trimming!

Products To Get Fuller & Healthier Beard
5 Products To Enhance Beard Growth

3 Super Easy & Quick Steps To Clean Your Beard Comb

Your Beard comb should be regularly cleaned up as it goes into your beard, right on your face. You don’t want dirty, unhygienic or messy sticky comb in your beard.

Here are 3 quick steps for the cleaning your beard comb.

You should do this at least once a week:


Dip the comb in a tumbler with warm water. Some people prefer to use soapy water, well that’s optional. Keep it dipped in for some time.

Step 2:

Take it out of the water and use a towel to dry it out. You can use a small towel for the same. Just the size of the comb.

Step 3:

Take a tissue paper and fold it into half. Use the edges of the folded tissue to clean between the teeth of your beard comb. This will take about 10 mins maximum. Don’t let your laziness get in the way!

Your comb is used on wet beard, dry beard, waxed beard and even sweaty beard. It is used to spread beard oil and balm. You don’t want all this to stay stuck on your comb and ruin all your looks.