Soul patch is the patch of hair that men flaunt just below the lower lip, on the chin. The patch may or may not cover the entire chin and there are various styles to carry off a soul patch.
It is the perfect look for men with a scanty beard. You can just grow out a soul patch and couple it with or without stubble and a moustache. It can be of any shape and size. However you must ensure that you shape yours as per you face shape. For men with bigger chins, it is advisable to avoid a small soul patch like a goatee while men with a smaller chin can go for such looks.
How to get a Soul Patch Beard
It is easy to maintain. You may or may not trim it. If you let it grow out, it comes off as a nice Van Dyke. Usually men flaunt a stubble with a soul patch however if you are going for the French beard or goatee, you may want to steer clear off the stubble. Clean shave is the look for you as that is the only way to highlight the patch.
The best aspect is that you need not be a skilled trimmer for a soul patch. You can shape your patch as per your ease and skill. Also, it gives a nice groomed look without the high maintenance issue that comes along with any other bearded look! It is the look for the year 2016!