Sideburns are the new trend setters this season. Fortunately they have come back in fashion! It is in fact fortunate because side burns can help you alter your look. Also, it can really make you look pretty badass and manly.
There are three basic styles of sideburns that you must learn to master as your first step. Once these styles are mastered, you can then try out funkier styles. But these three will form the basis for your everyday casual look as per your preference. These three styles have been categorized based on the length of the sideburns. You have the short length, medium length and long sideburns.
Short Sideburn Beard Styles
This style was all the rage last season and still continues to remain in trend. However it has been taken over to some extent by funkier styles and longer sideburns. As per this style, the length of your sideburns should be up to your mid-ear region, roughly. Even if you have bigger or smaller ears, the placement of ears is such that sideburns can easily be compared to them for deciding the length.
This style is suitable for men who have more sleek hairstyles or scanty hair. Also men with smaller face frame can go for this look. Non-existent sideburns are also a part of this however that should be avoided as sideburns are truly back in style. Also, they complement your beard. Your face looks well-structured and framed with sideburns.
Medium length sideburn beard style
Medium sideburn is the one which ends exactly at the point where you plug in your earphones i.e. middle of the ears. This length is a very safe one. You cannot go too wrong with a medium length sideburn. When in doubt, always opt for this length. It may not be the best look for you but it will most definitely not spoil your appearance.
This style is suitable for men with a medium to thick hair growth. If you love stubbles, this length is good for you.
Long sideburns beard styles
This is the raunchy, loud and strong style statement. It is a controversial and debatable style as most people feel it is out of fashion and downright aggressive to have long sideburns. However, it is back in style and very much capable to positively influence your appearance. But if you have a professional and disciplined work environment, this style is not for you. Just stop reading and skip to the hacks after this!
Okay so this style basically means your sideburns extend beyond the central region of your ears. This is a bit risky style as you can really go wrong with this look. Make sure the sideburns are not bushy at all. It goes well for men with thick hair and strong beard game! If you have a small or stout chin, you can go for this look to establish balance in that area.