Many men are very conscious about their hair and want their hair thicker. Obviously there are options like hair transplant or a clean bald look but there are some tricks and tips that can extend the life span of your existing hair by a few years.
1) Use good quality and natural hair oils for your hair regularly. Natural hair oil like coconut enhances your growth and makes your hair grow thicker. It can also reverse your balding to some extent.
2) The tips of your hair are always slim. This makes your hair appear thinner than what it actually is. One must regularly trim the hair which will get rid of the slim ends and expose the mid-region of your hair strand which is always thicker.
3) Hairstyles can really alter your appearance. You must style your hair in a manner that accentuates your best patches of hair growth and overshadows the bald or balding patches. So you will opt for hawk style if the top of your head has a stronger growth than the rest but if you have bald spots, don’t trim the rest of your hair too short.
4) Use a good quality hair gel. Hair gels make your hair appear thicker by adding more volume to your existing hair. But it may affect your hair quality if the hair gel has too much chemicals so make sure you only use a good quality product. The quality of product is very important in the long run. And also use of gel should be reserved for special occasions only.
5) Finally, wet hair always appears thin and balding. Blow drying gives hair volume and makes it appear bouncy. Thus a hair dryer and a blow dry brush are of great use to men as much as it is to women in order to get their hair thicker.
It is important to understand that over use of chemicals in the form of hair gels, artificial oils, hair color or dyes etc. will only make the hair quality worse and wont help in getting your hair thicker Although it will make your hair appear thicker right away but the long term harmful effects are much worse. It is important to rather let the balding phase out by itself naturally or alter styling choices suitably.

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