Sideburns are the two stripes of hair right in front of your ear and connected to your hair. What is the importance of your sideburns and does it impact your look at all?
Well, yes!
1) Sideburns are an important aspect of your final look. They are on both ends of your face and necessarily impact your entire look not only from side-profile but also the front. They can make you look fierce or timid, Loud or just very dull. They can entirely impact your final look and nullify the effect of a great beard and hairstyle if not done right!
2) Side burns can impact your appearance. You can actually deceive your physical features to cover up your insecurities with the help of side burns. You can hide your scars or acne or any marks with it.
3) Third positive is the most interesting. You can alter your physical features without surgery and with the help of your side burns. This is because, like hairstyle and beard, sideburns also impact your final look. You can style in a way that will accentuate a positive feature on your face as well as cover up or alter your negative features.
For instance, if you feel you have a small face, you must keep a short hairstyle and short or medium length side burns. That will balance out your face and it will no longer appear small. Thus, if you grow out a longer side burn despite having a small face, you will end up looking really out of balance. Your face will appear smaller than it is and the sideburns will ruin your entire face structure.
Thus it is very important to understand side burns and master the art of having efficient side burns to avoid any mishaps or beard faux pas!