16 Perfect Short Beard Styles for Men to try in 2020

Shorter beards demand a sharper and cleaner look. The maintenance of Short Beard Styles can get trickier than the aggressive ones as well because the definition and precision defines the style. Check out these 16 short beards to ensure your style is always on point!

Here are 16 Perfect Short Beard styles

This 16 Perfect Short Beard styles to ensure your Beard Styles is short in size only and not in character.


5 Tips & Trick Men Must Follow To Maintain, Grow Thicker Hair

Many men are very conscious about their hair and want their hair thicker. Obviously there are options like hair transplant or a clean bald look but there are some tricks and tips that can extend the life span of your existing hair by a few years.

1)  Use good quality and natural hair oils for your hair regularly. Natural hair oil like coconut enhances your growth and makes your hair grow thicker. It can also reverse your balding to some extent.

2) The tips of your hair are always slim. This makes your hair appear thinner than what it actually is. One must regularly trim the hair which will get rid of the slim ends and expose the mid-region of your hair strand which is always thicker.

3) Hairstyles can really alter your appearance. You must style your hair in a manner that accentuates your best patches of hair growth and overshadows the bald or balding patches. So you will opt for hawk style if the top of your head has a stronger growth than the rest but if you have bald spots, don’t trim the rest of your hair too short.

4) Use a good quality hair gel. Hair gels make your hair appear thicker by adding more volume to your existing hair. But it may affect your hair quality if the hair gel has too much chemicals so make sure you only use a good quality product. The quality of product is very important in the long run. And also use of gel should be reserved for special occasions only.

5) Finally, wet hair always appears thin and balding. Blow drying gives hair volume and makes it appear bouncy. Thus a hair dryer and a blow dry brush are of great use to men as much as it is to women in order to get their hair thicker.

It is important to understand that over use of chemicals in the form of hair gels, artificial oils, hair color or dyes etc. will only make the hair quality worse and wont help in getting your hair thicker Although it will make your hair appear thicker right away but the long term harmful effects are much worse. It is important to rather let the balding phase out by itself naturally or alter styling choices suitably.


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How Can You Make Your Hair Thicker 5 Hacks

Beard Grooming Guide As Per Your Face Shape & Hairstyle

So How to groom your beard? Well there are several grooming styles and you should aim for the look that best suits your face shape and also your lifestyle.

Everyone of us has a different face shape however all face shapes can be broadly classified as round, square, oblong or oval. But the style should be decided on the basis of what look you are going for. If a round face wants to get edgier sharper look, get a sharper beard with skillful and clean edges. If you have an angular chin and want a softer look, go for a thicker and rounder beard with gradation on the neck.

If you are an employee at a multinational corporation, you cannot grow out a beard like hikers do! You need a designer look; which revolves around a stubble and classic moustache. If your office is more liberal, you can opt for a fuller bearded look but at the same time you cannot afford to have curly beard hair just randomly poking out. It should be synchronized and tamed. If you are dressing up for a date, keep it clean and simple but not necessarily as tamed. It’s not a compulsion but a matter of choice of your significant other.

There is one other point that indirectly affects your beard look and is often ignored – your hair. It forms a part of beard grooming although not directly. If you want to place emphasis on your beard, keep your hair a bit flat and trim it around your ears to even further flatten your sides. This even helps making your face look longer so guys with a round or square face can totally rock this look! Similarly if you have a scanty beard, keep your hair bouncier.

Beard growing is not simply – not shaving. You take care of your beard if you wish to flaunt it and grab the spotlight! Beard men are all the rage and you may definitely jump on the bandwagon but not unprepared! Remember grooming ensures you look masculine, sexy and sharp!


The 5 Step Beard Maintenance Program Every Bearded Guy Must Follow!

Beard styling is all about class, elegance and style statement. Beard grab you the much deserved lime light and also set you apart from most men. They give you your own unique look as well as the freedom to style your beard as per your own preference. However, although men learn how to master the style efficiently, they often lack in the maintenance department and then suddenly find themselves looking rather odd after a few days of owning the style. This 5 step routine will help you maintain your style on a daily basis and ensure you do not spoil the hard earned style statement.

The 5 Step Beard Maintenance Program!

  • Step 1

The first step is to obtain your beard style. This can be achieved with a reasonable beard and moustache growth along with proper trimming skills. It is important to be good with trimmers as well as scissors because for certain precise and complex styles, scissors give a better finishing than trimmers. Make sure all your beard tools are in order, clean and well-kept. Once this is achieved you commence the maintenance aspect.

  • Step 2

The second step is beard hygiene. The beard and moustache are facial aspects and thus it is very important to keep both clean. You must wash your beard and moustache every night at least. It is important to get rid of all beard products and dirt if at all as well as sweat before you are off to bed. Also make sure you do not go to bed with a wet beard because that will be absolutely unmanageable the next morning. You need to comb it dry. Ideally you must wash your beard and moustache more than just once a day but if that is not possible a shampoo wash each night and a rinse wash every morning is also acceptable.

  • Step 3

The third step is beard nourishment. You have to keep your beard as well as moustache well nourished at all times. The nourishment not only helps grow your beard stronger but also keeps it strong against breakage. You must use natural beard oil for the same. Such beard oil helps nourish and at the same time can also provide you with some basic grip for styling. It also makes your beard appear thicker because of the increased consistency. But it is shiny so it is advisable to not over use the product.

  • Step 4

Step 4 is to trim your beard everyday and clean shave around the beard style once in 3 days. Trimming on a daily basis helps to ensure that the length of the beard is consistent and since all beard styles are more or less very precise regarding the shape, it is necessary to clean shave the patches on your face that do not form a part of your style to ensure that your style is not lost.

  • Step 5

The final step is combing and brushing your beard and moustache regularly. You must always carry a beard moustache around and brush your beard well at least twice a day. This not only helps to make the beard manageable and clean but combing is like massaging and thus makes your beard stronger and shinier. It ensures your beard remains manageable.

Step-By-Step Beard Maintenance Program
5 Step Maintenance Guide For Bearded Men

Know How The Neck Beard Suits Your Appearance

Neck beard is basically the part of the beard that grows even on your neck. The growth of beard on the neck is scantier and does not grow out too long as fast too. Also you often get food stuck in it so do you need this style? Let’s find out.

The answer varies along with the face structure. If you are a healthy person and wish to cover up your double chin, well then the neck beard is for you. Also, if you had no time for a tan or couldn’t manage great one, you can grow out a neck beard.

Some beards suit well with a neck beard and some don’t. A chin curtain for example is a standalone style. No hair on the neck is required as it ruins the style however in most other styles, its fine. What you can try is go for a stubble look or let that hair gradually fade with the help of an excellent beard trimmer.

Shaving off the neck hair will bring focus to your neck and this attention can be unwanted as it is awkward to have people staring at your neck. Also, a bit neck beard is rugged and sexy. It gives a more masculine look to your style. it is thus advisable for men of all age groups to grow out neck beard.


4 Unbelievable Tricks To Cover Up The Patchy Beard!

Beard is pretty much the soul of your look even if you chose to just carry off a short stubble. But most men face the patchy beard situation and that can potentially affect your whole look. These are 5 tricks that can help you cover up the patches in the best way possible. Let us also keep in mind that these tricks can work up to a reasonable extent only!

1) Growing out thicker beard can really help you out in this case. If you have the kind of beard that grows out well in some regions but not so much in some others what you can do is grow out a thick beard. It will be awkward as it is growing out with the patches but once its all grown what you can do is trim it even and use mousse or beard wax with your fingers to literally cover up the patchiness. This works well if you have an otherwise strong growth.

2) Using a clear beard gel is really helpful. Gel has thick consistency but is also lightweight at the same time. So this is a product that you can conveniently apply on your beard. It is clear but it is surely bit damp so you should apply it in some limitation. The gel makes your beard appear darker and thicker. Also it can be used to style you beard in a way that patches can be covered.

Tricks To Cover Up The Patchy Beard

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3) Goatee and soul patch styles are a great way to handle the patchy situation. So if you have a very scanty and patchy growth you can just your best growth patches to style a look that goes well with your beard growth. You goatee can be short or long and the same applies for the sole patch thus this is kind of a versatile look for you.

4) Trimming the beard really helps. The concept is that your beard is usually narrow and tapering which means that the ends are thin. If you trim your beard and shorten the length a bit, it will expose the thicker mid region of beard hair and will basically make your beard appear really thicker.


A Neat Trick To Fill In Your Patchy or Scanty Beard!

Beards have become an important element of our society. Men are often judged based on their beards and it has become important to flaunt off a great style of beard for the spotlight. If you are one of the fashion forward men and love to always be a part of the trend then you too love beard styles. However, the growth of your beard is natural phenomenon and cannot be altered to a very large extent. Sure you can use beard oil and keep your face oil free as well as hygienic but still you may not enjoy a strong growth or at least as much as you desire.

Let’s remember that this is a trick, a life hack. It is not magic. So you need to be reasonable about what you expect out of it. If you expect wonders and your absolutely scanty growth to appear like a full thick beard then you have it wrong.

Just follow the 5 steps given below if you are up for a reasonable and yet recognisable difference:

1) Wash your beard well as you take you every morning bath. You may even use your beard shampoo or a basic hair shampoo but a beard shampoo is always a more preferable option! Make sure your face and beard is absolutely clean.

2) Brush you beard upwards and comb it downwards alternatively till it is completely dry. Once it is dry locate the area that has scanty growth.

3) Now what you need to do is use an eyebrow pencil. Women use this trick on a regular basis and I bet you haven’t even been able to spot most of the fake eyebrows yet. So this is a cool trick and it will not make you any less of a man to just bring in an eyebrow pencil. Just make sure the pencil is in the same shade as your beard. It has to be exactly the same.

4) Use that to fill in small patches. You need quick strokes and also small strokes i.e. length of your actual beard hair. Once you fill in, use your thumb to lightly rub over to make sure it merges in with the beard. Now because beards or moustaches are fluffy, you cannot use this trick to fill in giant patches. For that you can try this – use a comb to fill in the patch with the help of the surrounding beard hair. Use a beard gel, mousse or wax or even oil to keep it in place. Now use the brow pencil trick for the remainder space.

5) What you need is a strong stay on and water proof brow pencil. It will be great to take a woman’s help with the selection. Also, make sure you are careful to not rub it off during the day. Make sure you don’t go to bed without washing your face clean. Face wipes help get it off easily.

This trick can be used by men who have major insecurities but the better option is to always try a beard style that is more appropriate with your beard growth as you cannot draw in your entire beard with the brow pencil.


What Does Beard Grooming in Real Time mean?

Beards are what define the elegance in a man. Women swoon over the rugged and sassy look, a very bad boy suave that is symbolized merely by facial hair! We often come across men who have the folic lottery however they lack expertise to use it well. Such men often end up looking like just imps! That is in fact the difference between you and our beloved celebrities.

So, What is beard grooming? It is time to bridge the gap!

Beard grooming is the art (yes, ‘art’) of taming your beard and having complete control over it. The fact that you care about yourself enough to grow a beard or even stubble, automatically categorizes you as a man who cares about his appearance. And this is the most important incentive for beard grooming! Let us not forget that in olden days Royalty indulged in beards with all the variety of beard styles.

How do you think these styles were achieved? Two words: Beard grooming. Thus it is pretty much a status symbol to flaunt a well groomed beard. While this is a concept not as popular as just growing out a beard, it pretty much goes hand in hand. Men tend to believe that beard grooming is time consuming. But we are here to ‘Debunk’ such myths!



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Beard Grooming

Secrets Unveiled: Few Important Beard Grooming Secrets For Bearded Men!

Hear the golden words – ” You Can Only Groom A Clean Beard! “

This essentially means that from day one you need to make sure your face is clean as the moon. And also, a clean oil-free face ensures better hair growth.

Beard grooming essentially helps you raise your average bearded look to a standard that it truly deserves. Let us start from scratch. What is the most basic rule in beard grooming that will ensure the end result is as per requirement?

long beard grooming

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groomed beard

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Here are few important beard grooming secrets for bearded men:

You can use a basic shampoo for the same. However some men even tend to use a conditioner which softens your beard. The latest ‘in fashion’ beard is rugged so you may suit yourself, but we all understand that even rugged look is not effortless. It does require some detangling and cleaning.

best beard grooming tips

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groomed bearded look

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Sometimes beard can get too rough, unmanageable and curly for you, in that case you may opt for a conditioner every third day or even alternate days. Apart from shampooing it once a day, make sure you do wash it if it feels dirty or sweaty. Also, every time that you do wash it, make sure you towel dry it. Towel is not always available so you may even use a tissue paper. This is applicable even when you wash your face because water tends to trickle down to your beard and that is not only irritating but also damaging.

beard grooming

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beard grooming styles

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Beard Grooming Secrets Unveiled
Beard Grooming Secrets For Men


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Beard Grooming Secrets

A Complete Beard Grooming Guide You Been Waiting For!

So How to groom your beard? Well there are several beard grooming styles and you should aim for the look that best suits your face shape and also your lifestyle.

A Complete Beard Grooming Guide You Been Waiting For!

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Here we have for you a complete Beard Grooming Guide that every bearded guy should know

Everyone of us has a different face shape however all face shapes can be broadly classified as round, square, oblong or oval. But the style should be decided on the basis of what look you are going for. If a round face wants to get edgier sharper look, get a sharper beard with skilful and clean edges. If you have an angular chin and want a softer look, go for a thicker and rounder beard with gradation on the neck.

If you are an employee at a multinational corporation, you cannot grow out a beard like hikers do! You need a designer look; which revolves around a stubble and classic moustache. If your office is more liberal, you can opt for a fuller bearded look but at the same time you cannot afford to have curly beard hair just randomly poking out. It should be synchronized and tamed. If you are dressing up for a date, keep it clean and simple but not necessarily as tamed. It’s not a compulsion but a matter of choice of your significant other.

There is one other point that indirectly affects your beard look and is often ignored – your hair. It forms a part of beard grooming guide although not directly. If you want to place emphasis on your beard, keep your hair a bit flat and trim it around your ears to even further flatten your sides. This even helps making your face look longer so guys with a round or square face can totally rock this look! Similarly if you have a scanty beard, keep your hair bouncier.

Beard growing is not simply – not shaving. You take care of your beard if you wish to flaunt it and grab the spotlight! Beard men are all the rage and you may definitely jump on the bandwagon but not unprepared! Remember grooming ensures you look masculine, sexy and sharp!

A Complete Beard Grooming Guide
Basic Beard Grooming Guide For Men


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Exact Beard Grooming Guide