Beard oil is what you pamper your beard with. It helps you maintain your beard and also strengthens it. However, there is a technique on how to apply beard oil that can guarantee you the best results.
A 5 step Rule on How To Apply Beard Oil efficiently –
1. You need to start with a clean face, which means after a bath or at least a proper face wash. You cannot start with a dirty face. Make sure the face is really clean and also dry.
2. Now for a regular beard what you need to do is take few drops of the beard oil depending upon the thickness and growth, but ideally 3-4 drops is just fine. Rub it across both your palms and then brush it against your cheeks but from bottom to top. This way you will not only be able to ensure full coverage but also nourish your roots. It will help avoid flakes and strengthen your growth.
3. If you have a longer beard, the most advisable way on how to apply beard oil is that you should start off with rubbing a few drops between your fingers and using your fingers to comb the hair that hangs below your jawline from top to bottom. This motion should be repeated from behind as well i.e. to nourish the hair near the neck. Once this is done you may follow the steps as in point 2 for the rest of the beard.
4. Make sure you nourish even your side burns and all other areas, especially where you lack growth.
5. Use a small toothed comb to comb your beard for ensuring even distribution and full coverage.